DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime::WithTimeZone - Store time zones
    with DateTimes in database


    Set up table with separate column to store time zone, and set that
    column as the timezone_source column for the datetime column.

      package Event;
      use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
          event_time => { data_type => 'timestamp', timezone_source => 'event_tz' },
          event_tz   => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 38 },

    Store any DateTime into the database

      $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2015, month => 6, day => 8, hour => 9, minute => 10
          time_zone => 'America/Chicago' );
      $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->create( { event_time => $dt } );

    In the database, event_time is now set to the UTC time corresponding to
    the original time (2015-06-08T14:10:00), and event_tz is set to

    When retrieved from the database, event_time will be returned as an
    identical DateTime object, with the same time zone as the original

      $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->first;
      $event_time = $row->event_time;
      say $event_time . '';                # 2015-06-08T09:10:00
      say $event_time->time_zone->name;    # America/Chicago


    This component preserves the time zone of DateTime objects when storing
    and retrieving through DBIx::Class.

    It uses InflateColumn::DateTime to do the basic inflation and
    deflation. The time zone is saved into an additional database column,
    and automatically applied to the DateTime after inflation.


    The datetime is always converted to UTC before storage in the database.
    This ensures that the real time is preserved, no matter how the clock
    time is affected by the time zone.

    This avoids the problems caused by Daylight Saving Time. If the
    datetime were stored in any time zone that has Daylight Saving Time,
    then any datetime that occurs during the transition out of Daylight
    Saving Time (when the clock goes back one hour) will be ambiguous.
    DateTime handles this by always using the latest real time for the
    given clock time (see DateTime#Ambiguous-Local-Times). In this case,
    any DateTime from the earlier pass through the overlapped times will be
    converted to the later time when it is read, effectively adding the DST
    offset to the time.


 Interaction with InflateColumn::DateTime

    Side effects on DateTime object

      Currently, if the timezone attribute is set on
      InflateColumn::DateTime, then the time zone on a DateTime object used
      to set the column may have its time zone changed to that of the
      timezone attribute. The time zone change only happens if the DateTime
      object is deflated for storage. See

      By default, this component overrides this IC::DT behavior. The
      DateTime object used to set the column will not have its time zone

      If you need this side effect, set the DBIC_IC_DT_WTZ_MODIFY_TZ
      environment variable, and the IC::DT behavior will be followed: any
      DateTime used to set the column value will have its time zone set to
      UTC if it has been deflated for storage in the database.


      The timezone attribute is defaulted to UTC. If a non-UTC timezone is
      specified, an exception will be thrown, since non-UTC time zones can
      not guarantee that the retrieved DateTime matches the saved DateTime.


      The locale attribute is not affected by this component, so it should
      work as documented in InflateColumn::DateTime.

 Interaction with TimeStamp

    All columns using the TimeStamp plugin will default to using the UTC
    time zone for all time stamps. To use a different time zone, override
    the get_timestamp method and set the desired time zone there.

 Nullable columns

    If the datetime column is nullable, the timezone_source column must
    also be nullable. If it is not, a exception will be thrown when the
    schema is loaded.

 Missing timezone column

    If a datetime column with a timezone_source is included in a ResultSet,
    the corresponding timezone_source column must also be included.

    If the timezone_source column is missing, a runtime exception will be
    thrown when the datetime column is accessed.

 Timezone column size

    The time zone column must be long enough to store the longest zoneinfo
    name. Currently, that's 38 characters, but I can't find any guarantee
    that will not change.

    This component does not yet validate the timezone column data type or
    size. This may result in database exceptions if the time zone length is
    greater than the timezone_source column length.

 Implementation Details

    This component uses internal methods and data from


    Uses the $info->{_ic_dt_method} value set by InflateColumn::DateTime to
    determine the column datatype, rather than duplicating the detection


    Uses the $info->{__dbic_colname} value set by InflateColumn::DateTime
    to provide the column name in error messages.


    Wraps register_columns to validate the column attributes


    Sets time zone from the timezone_source column DateTime inflation


    Sets timezone_source column to time zone name before DateTime deflation


      * Expand the tests to validate against databases other than SQLite

      * Investigate and document interaction with locale

      * Add validation of the data_type and size of the timezone_source

      * Investigate using SQL backend features (e.g., AT TIME ZONE)


    Noel Maddy <>


    Copyright 2015- Noel Maddy


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.


    DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime, DBIx::Class::InflateColumn,