URI::Builder - URI objects optimised for manipulation

        my $uri = URI::Builder->new(
            scheme => 'http',
            host   => '',

        $uri->path_segments(qw( misc cpan-faq.html ));

        say $uri->as_string; #


    This class is a close relative of URI, but while that class is optimised
    for parsing, this is optimised for building up or modifying URIs. To
    that end objects of this class represent their URIs in sections, each of
    which are independently mutable, that then need to be serialised to form
    a string. In contrast, "URI" uses a fully-formed string internally which
    must be parsed afresh each time a mutation is performed on it.

    At the moment only http and https URIs are known to work correctly,
    support for other schemes may follow later.

    The following attributes relate closely with the URI methods of the same

    *   scheme

    *   userinfo

    *   host

    *   port

    *   path_segments

    *   query_form

    *   query_keywords

    *   fragment

    In addition the "query_separator" attribute defines how "query_form"
    fields are joined. It defaults to ';' but can be usefully set to '&'.

    The accessors for these attributes have a similar interface to the URI
    methods, that is to say that they return old values when new ones are
    set. Those attributes that take a list of values: "path_segments",
    "query_form" and "query_keywords" all return plain lists but can be
    passed nested array references.

    The constructor.

    In addition to the attributes listed above, a "uri" argument can be
    passed as a string or a URI object, which will be parsed to popoulate
    any missing fields.

        # a cpan URL without its path
        my $uri = URI::Builder->new(
            uri => '',
            path_segments => [],

    Non-attribute arguments that match other methods in the class will cause
    those methods to be called on the object. This means that what we
    internally regard as composite attributes can be specified directly in
    the constructor.

        # Implicitly populate path_segments:
        my $uri = URI::Builder->new( path => 'relative/path' );

    Unrecognised arguments cause an exception.

        $absolute_uri = $relative_uri->abs($base_uri)

    Returns a new URI::Builder object as an absolute URL based on the given
    base URI.

    Implemented as a wrapper of "abs" in URI.

        $relative_uri = $absolute_uri->rel($base_uri)

    Returns a new URI::Builder object denoting the relative URI compared
    with the base URI.

    Implemented as a wrapper of "rel" in URI.

    Returns a new object with all attributes copied.

    Returns the URI described by the object as a string. This is built up
    from the individual components each time it's called.

    This is also used as the stringification overload.

    Returns a version of this object as a URI object.

    Returns the default port for the current object's scheme. This is
    obtained from the appropriate URI subclass. See "default_port" in URI.

    Returns true if the current scheme is a secure one, false otherwise. See
    "secure" in URI.

    Returns the 'authority' section of the URI. In our case this is obtained
    by combining "userinfo", "host" and "port" together as appropriate.

    Note that this is a read-only operation.

    Returns the host and port in a single string.

    Returns the path portion of the URI as a string.

    Can be assigned to to populate "path_segments".

    Leading, trailing and doubled slashes are represented faithfully using
    empty path segments.

    Returns a string representation of the query. This is obtained from
    either "query_form" or "query_keywords", in that order.

    If an argument is passed, it is parsed to populate "query_form".

    Returns a string representation of the path plus the query string. See
    "path_query" in URI.

        @keys       = $uri->query_param
        @values     = $uri->query_param($key)
        @old_values = $uri->query_param($key, @new_values);

    This works exactly like the method of the same name implemented in

    With no arguments, all unique query field names are returned

    With one argument, all values for the given field name are returned

    With more than one argument, values for the given key (first argument)
    are set to the given values (remaining arguments). Care is taken in this
    case to preserve the ordering of the fields.

        $uri->query_param_append($key, @values)

    Appends fields to the end of the "query_form". Returns nothing.

        @old_values = $uri->query_param_delete($key)

    Removes all fields with the given key from the "query_form".

        $hashref     = $uri->query_form_hash
        $old_hashref = $uri->query_form_hash(\%new_hashref)

    A hash representation of the "query_form", with multiple values
    represented as arrayrefs.

    The following URI methods are currently not implemented:

    *   as_iri

    *   ihost
