The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography on the scientific visualization system, Data Explorer

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Number of references:123Last update:November 22, 2002
Number of online publications:73Supported:yes
Most recent reference:2000 Info:Version 0.18

Information on the Bibliography

This is a bibliography of publications about the scientific visualization system, Data Explorer.
computer graphics, Data Explorer, scientific visualization
Author Comments:
This bibliography has been collected from bibliographies in the author's personal files, from several OCLC databases, from the IEEE INSPEC databases, from the Library of Congress catalog, for the University of California MELVYL catalog, from the UnCover database, from the computer graphics bibliography archive at, and from the computer science bibliography collection on in /pub/bibliography to which many people of have contributed. The snapshot of this collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675 lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375 <at>String abbreviations, occupying 94.8MB of disk space.
Despite extensive searching in these sources, only a very small number of publications were initially located. A few about a statistical analysis system of the same name were uncovered in medical literature, but have been excluded here.
At version 0.02, Keith Sams of the IBM Data Explorer team kindly provided 40 references which have been checked against library catalogs, and augmented by entries for conference proceedings and book collections. He later supplied another 14 entries for papers by Lloyd Treinish.

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(53), article(28), proceedings(27), techreport(8), incollection(2), manual(2), book(1), misc(1), periodical(1)
acknowledgement(123), bibdate(123), title(123), year(123), pages(121), address(95), author(92), publisher(85), booktitle(83), month(78), isbn(74), editor(68), issn(52), number(40), volume(37), lccn(33), keywords(32), journal(28), series(26), coden(25), note(22), classcodes(19), treatment(19), corpsource(18), searchkey(18), abstract(17), affiliation(14), conflocation(14), classification(13), thesaurus(13), conftitle(10), institution(8), type(8), sponsororg(5), day(4), key(4), annote(3), url(3), xxnote(3), bookpages(2), confdate(2), edition(2), organization(2), sponsor(2), availability(1), chapter(1), orgtitle(1), xxisbn(1), xxtitle(1), xxvolume(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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