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Bibliography of the Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications

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Number of references:806Last update:April 7, 2002
Number of online publications:609Supported:yes
Most recent reference:1980 Info:Version 1.01

Information on the Bibliography

Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe @ math . utah . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Center for Scientific Computing
University of Utah
Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
155 S 1400 E RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
This is a bibliography of the Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (CODEN JMTAA8, ISSN 0020-2932).
bibliography; BibTeX; Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
Author Comments:
Publication began with volume 1 in March 1965 and terminated with volume 26 in December 1980. Publication was quarterly from 1965 to 1970, six times a year from 1971 to 1976, and eight times a year from 1977 to 1980. In January 1981, the journal was split into the new IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (CODEN IJAMDM, ISSN 0272-4960 (print), 1464-3634 (electronic)) and the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (CODEN IJNADH, ISSN 0272-4979 (print), 1464-3642 (electronic)). The first of these continued volume numbering from 27, and the second started at volume 1. They have complete coverage in companion bibliographies, imajapplmath.bib and imajnumeranal.bib.

This bibliography has been constructed from data in the MathSciNet database, from the TeX User Group and BibNet Project bibliography archives, from the University of Karlsruhe Computer Science bibliography archive, and from the European Mathematical Society Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik database, with a few entries gleaned from the ACM Portal database. The Compendex and IEEE eXplore databases have no entries at all for this journal.
All entries that provide remarks, errata, and notes on earlier ones are cross-referenced to those, and vice versa.

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Bibliographic Statistics

author(806), bibdate(806), coden(806), issn(806), journal(806), number(806), pages(806), title(806), volume(806), year(806), acknowledgement(801), mrclass(609), mrnumber(609), mrnumber-url(609), zmnumber(568), mrreviewer(489), abstract(39), classmath(38), note(24), kwds(17), keywords(15), xxtitle(10), xxnote(7), xxauthor(6), referred(2), xxpages(2), mmcollection(1), mmsets(1), month(1), reviewer(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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