This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2) (format=tex 1999.6.9) 7 OCT 2001 22:39 **\input /tmp/txi2d.32650/automake.texi (/tmp/txi2d.32650/automake.texi (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/texinfo/texinfo.tex Loading texinfo [version 1998-11-06]: Basics, \bindingoffset=\dimen16 \normaloffset=\dimen17 \pagewidth=\dimen18 \pageheight=\dimen19 \outerhsize=\dimen20 \outervsize=\dimen21 \cornerlong=\dimen22 \cornerthick=\dimen23 \topandbottommargin=\dimen24 \headlinebox=\box16 \footlinebox=\box17 \margin=\insert252 \EMsimple=\toks12 \singlespaceskip=\skip18 \groupinvalidhelp=\toks13 \mil=\dimen25 \exdentamount=\skip19 \inmarginspacing=\skip20 fonts, \sffam=\fam8 \mainmagstep=\count26 \fontdepth=\count27 page headings, \titlepagetopglue=\skip21 \titlepagebottomglue=\skip22 \evenheadline=\toks14 \oddheadline=\toks15 \evenfootline=\toks16 \oddfootline=\toks17 tables, \tableindent=\dimen26 \itemindent=\dimen27 \itemmargin=\dimen28 \itemmax=\dimen29 \itemno=\count28 \multitableparskip=\skip23 \multitableparindent=\skip24 \multitablecolspace=\dimen30 \multitablelinespace=\skip25 \colcount=\count29 indexing, \secondaryindent=\skip26 \partialpage=\box18 \doublecolumnhsize=\dimen31 sectioning, \chapno=\count30 \secno=\count31 \subsecno=\count32 \subsubsecno=\count33 \appendixno=\count34 \absseclevel=\count35 \secbase=\count36 \chapheadingskip=\skip27 \secheadingskip=\skip28 \subsecheadingskip=\skip29 toc, \tocfile=\write0 \contentsrightmargin=\skip30 \savepageno=\count37 \lastnegativepageno=\count38 \shortappendixwidth=\dimen32 \tocindent=\dimen33 environments, \dblarrowbox=\box19 \longdblarrowbox=\box20 \pushcharbox=\box21 \bullbox=\box22 \equivbox=\box23 \errorbox=\box24 \lispnarrowing=\skip31 \envskipamount=\skip32 \circthick=\dimen34 \cartouter=\dimen35 \cartinner=\dimen36 \normbskip=\skip33 \normpskip=\skip34 \normlskip=\skip35 \lskip=\skip36 \rskip=\skip37 defuns, \defbodyindent=\skip38 \defargsindent=\skip39 \deftypemargin=\skip40 \deflastargmargin=\skip41 \parencount=\count39 macros, \macscribble=\write1 \paramno=\count40 \macname=\toks18 cross references, \auxfile=\write2 \footnoteno=\count41 (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/plain/dvips/epsf.tex This is `epsf.tex' v2.7 <25 October 1996> \epsffilein=\read0 \epsfframemargin=\dimen37 \epsfframethickness=\dimen38 \epsfrsize=\dimen39 \epsftmp=\dimen40 \epsftsize=\dimen41 \epsfxsize=\dimen42 \epsfysize=\dimen43 \pspoints=\dimen44 ) \noepsfhelp=\toks19 paper sizes, \defaultparindent=\dimen45 and turning on texinfo input format.) (automake.aux) @cpindfile=@write3 @fnindfile=@write4 @vrindfile=@write5 @tpindfile=@write6 @kyindfile=@write7 @pgindfile=@write8 (version.texi) [1 \openout2 = `automake.aux'. \openout3 = `automake.cp'. \openout4 = `automake.fn'. \openout5 = `automake.vr'. \openout6 = `'. \openout7 = `'. \openout8 = `'. ] [2] @ovindfile=@write9 @cvindfile=@write10 @opindfile=@write11 @trindfile=@write12 @cmindfile=@write13 Chapter 1 \openout0 = `automake.toc'. Chapter 2 [1 \openout9 = `automake.ov'. \openout10 = `'. \openout11 = `automake.op'. \openout12 = `'. \openout13 = `'. ] [2] [3] [4] Chapter 3 [5] [6] [7] Chapter 4 [8] [9] Overfull \hbox (22.82593pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 972--976 []@textrm Put the gen-er-ated `@texttt[]@textrm '[] in the di-rec- tory @textsl dir@textrm . Or-di-nar-ily each `@texttt[]@textrm '[]| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .@textrm P .@textrm u .@textrm t .etc. Chapter 5 [10] [11] [12] [13] Overfull \hbox (13.99529pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1279--1282 []@textrm The con-tents of `@texttt acinclude.m4[]@textrm '[], if it ex-ists, a re also au-to-mat-i-cally in-cluded in `@texttt aclocal.m4[]@textrm '[].| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm T .@textrm h .@textrm e .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .etc. [14] [15] Overfull \hbox (43.82178pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1476--1480 []@textrm Add sup-port for the dmal-loc (@texttt lloc/dmalloc.tar.gz[]@textrm )| @hbox(8.2125+2.73749)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .@textrm A .@textrm d .@textrm d .etc. [16] Overfull \hbox (30.83482pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1517--1519 []@textrm A macro file's name should end in `@texttt .m4[]@textrm '[]. Such fil es should be in-stalled in `@texttt $(datadir)/aclocal[]@textrm '[]. | @hbox(7.60416+0.91249)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm A .@glue 3.65 plus 1.82317 minus 1.21786 .@textrm m .@textrm a .etc. Chapter 6 [17] Chapter 7 Chapter 8 [18] Chapter 9 [19] [20] [21] Overfull \hbox (16.00296pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1983--1987 []@textrm Where an or-di-nary li-brary might in-clude @texttt @LIBOBJS@[]@textr m , a libtool li-brary must use @texttt @LTLIBOBJS@[]@textrm .| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm W .@textrm h .@textrm e .@textrm r .etc. [22] Overfull \hbox (81.08292pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2073--2075 []@textrm This vari-able also sup-ports `@texttt dist_[]@textrm '[] and `@text tt nodist_[]@textrm '[] pre-fixes, e.g., `@texttt nodist_EXTRA_maude_SOURCES[]@ textrm '[]. | @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .@textrm T .@textrm h .@textrm i .etc. [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Overfull \hbox (8.2635pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2501--2503 @textrm `@texttt .F[]@textrm '[]@texttt $(F77) -F $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPP FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FFLAGS)| @hbox(7.60416+1.04173)x433.62 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@penalty 10000 .@kern -57.81621 .@textrm ` .@texttt . .etc. Overfull \hbox (8.2635pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2523--2525 @textrm `@texttt .F[]@textrm '[]@texttt $(F77) -c $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPP FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_FFLAGS)| @hbox(7.60416+1.04173)x433.62 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@penalty 10000 .@kern -57.81621 .@textrm ` .@texttt . .etc. [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] Chapter 10 [34] Chapter 11 [35] [36] [37] Chapter 12 [38] Overfull \hbox (4.47462pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3356--3360 []@textrm The op-tion `@texttt no-texinfo.tex[]@textrm '[] can be used to elim- i-nate the re-quire-ment for `@texttt texinfo.tex[]@textrm '[].| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm T .@textrm h .@textrm e .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .etc. [39] Chapter 13 [40] Overfull \hbox (18.67905pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3497--3501 []@textrm Variables us-ing the stan-dard di-rec-tory pre-fixes `@texttt data[]@ textrm '[], `@texttt info[]@textrm '[], `@texttt man[]@textrm '[], `@texttt inc lude[]@textrm '[], `@texttt oldinclude[]@textrm '[],| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm V .@kern-0.91252 .@textrm a .@textrm r .etc. Overfull \hbox (11.91666pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3541--3546 []@textrm This places in-stall ob-jects in a di-rec-tory tree built un-der `@te xttt /tmp/staging[]@textrm '[]. If `@texttt /gnu/bin/foo[]@textrm '[]| @hbox(7.60416+2.43333)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm T .@textrm h .@textrm i .@textrm s .etc. [41] Chapter 14 Chapter 15 [42] [43] Chapter 16 Underfull \hbox (badness 2027) in paragraph at lines 3790--3796 []@textrm If `@texttt dejagnu[]@textrm '[] (@texttt nu/dejagnu-1.3.tar.gz[]@textrm ) ap-pears in @hbox(8.2125+2.73749)x433.62, glue set 2.729 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm I .@textrm f .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .@textrm ` .etc. [44] Chapter 17 [45] Overfull \hbox (0.10597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3936--3944 @textrm pected to fol-low one of two forms. The first form is `@textsl MA-JOR@ texttt .@textsl MINOR@texttt .@textsl ALPHA[]@textrm '[],| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@glue(@leftskip) 57.81621 .@textrm p .@kern0.30417 .@textrm e .@textrm c .etc. Chapter 18 [46] Overfull \hbox (23.272pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4005--4009 []@textrm If you add file-names to `@texttt ETAGS_ARGS[]@textrm '[], you will p rob-a-bly also want to set `@texttt TAGS_DEPENDENCIES[]@textrm '[].| @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm I .@textrm f .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .@textrm y .etc. Overfull \hbox (56.51573pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4015--4021 []@textrm Automake also sup-ports the GNU Global Tags pro-gram (@texttt http://[]@textrm ).| @hbox(8.2125+2.73749)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm A .@textrm u .@textrm t .@textrm o .etc. [47] Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Overfull \hbox (16.45876pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4105--4107 []@textrm Before us-ing a con-di-tional, you must de-fine it by us-ing @texttt AM_CONDITIONAL[] @textrm in the @texttt[]| @hbox(7.60416+2.43333)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0 .@textrm B .@textrm e .@textrm f .@textrm o .etc. [48] Chapter 21 [49] Chapter 22 Chapter 23 [50] Overfull \hbox (1.54828pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4333--4348 @texttt install-exec[]@textrm , @texttt uninstall[]@textrm , and the var-i-ous @texttt clean[] @textrm tar-gets (@texttt mostlyclean[]@textrm , @texttt clean[ ]@textrm , @texttt distclean[]@textrm ,| @hbox(8.2125+2.73749)x433.62, glue set - 1.0 .@texttt i .@texttt n .@texttt s .@texttt t .@texttt a .etc. Chapter 24 [51] (Macro and Variable Index) (automake.vrs [52] [53]) [54] (General Index) (automake.cps [55] [56] [57] [58]) [59] (automake.toc [-1] [-2]) [-3] ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 1386 strings out of 13014 15953 string characters out of 97285 41891 words of memory out of 263001 2261 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+0 30088 words of font info for 104 fonts, out of 200000 for 1000 19 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000 13i,6n,12p,267b,289s stack positions out of 300i,100n,500p,30000b,4000s Output written on automake.dvi (64 pages, 327812 bytes).