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7.4 Control Statements in Actions

Control statements, such as if, while, and so on, control the flow of execution in awk programs. Most of the control statements in awk are patterned on similar statements in C.

All the control statements start with special keywords, such as if and while, to distinguish them from simple expressions. Many control statements contain other statements. For example, the if statement contains another statement that may or may not be executed. The contained statement is called the body. To include more than one statement in the body, group them into a single compound statement with curly braces, separating them with newlines or semicolons.

7.4.1 The if-else Statement  Conditionally execute some awk statements.
7.4.2 The while Statement  Loop until some condition is satisfied.
7.4.3 The do-while Statement  Do specified action while looping until some condition is satisfied.
7.4.4 The for Statement  Another looping statement, that provides initialization and increment clauses.
7.4.5 The break Statement  Immediately exit the innermost enclosing loop.
7.4.6 The continue Statement  Skip to the end of the innermost enclosing loop.
7.4.7 The next Statement  Stop processing the current input record.
7.4.8 Using gawk's nextfile Statement  Stop processing the current file.
7.4.9 The exit Statement  Stop execution of awk.

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