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9.1 Built-in Functions

Built-in functions are always available for your awk program to call. This section defines all the built-in functions in awk; some of these are mentioned in other sections but are summarized here for your convenience.

9.1.1 Calling Built-in Functions  How to call built-in functions.
9.1.2 Numeric Functions  Functions that work with numbers, including
                                intsin and rand.
9.1.3 String Manipulation Functions  Functions for string manipulation, such as
                                splitmatch and sprintf.
9.1.4 Input/Output Functions  Functions for files and shell commands.
9.1.5 Using gawk's Timestamp Functions  Functions for dealing with timestamps.
9.1.6 Using gawk's Bit Manipulation Functions  Functions for bitwise operations.
9.1.7 Using gawk's String Translation Functions  Functions for string translation.

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