[](https://travis-ci.org/Scimon/p6-Algorithm-GooglePolylineEncoding) NAME ==== Algorithm::GooglePolylineEncoding - Encode and Decode lat/lon polygons using Google Maps string encoding. SYNOPSIS ======== use Algorithm::GooglePolylineEncoding; my $encoded = encode-polyline( { :lat(90), :lon(90) }, { :lat(0), :lon(0) }, { :lat(22.5678), :lon(45.2394) } ); my @polyline = deocde-polyline( $encoded ); DESCRIPTION =========== Algorithm::GooglePolylineEncoding is intended to be used to encoded and decode Google Map polylines. Note this is a lossy encoded, any decimal values beyond the 5th place in a latitude of longitude will be lost. USAGE ----- ### encode-polyline( { :lat(Real), :lon(Real) }, ... ) --> Str ### encode-polyline( [ { :lat(Real), :lon(Real) }, ... ] ) --> Str ### encode-polyline( Real, Real, ... ) --> Str Encodes a polyline list (supplied in any of the listed formats) and returns a Str of the encoded data. ### decode-polyline( Str ) --> [ { :lat(Real), :lon(Real) }, ... ] Takes a string encoded using the algorithm and returns an Array of Hashes with lat / lon keys. For further details on the encoding algorithm please see the follow link: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm AUTHOR ====== Simon Proctor <simon.proctor@gmail.com> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018 Simon Proctor This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.