Test-AutomationFramework version 0.053

Test::AutomaitonFramework (TAF) is a Perl Win32/64 module to assist Test Automation by:

	1. Test Case Management: list, report, log, exec test cases		(View test latest and historical result; exec TC and Test suite)
	2. Simplicity: No programming is required. No Manul to read             (perl -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "install") 
	3. MultiPurpose:  TC scripts, Perf, Lab setup etc  			(Perl, C, C#, java ....... )
	4. User Fridedly: IE-based web UI 					(TC list, reporting, execution are done by *ONE* mouse click )
	5. Support Win32/IE 							(This is the tested environment)
	6. Free software and free support

INSTALLATION (Suggest to install Strawberry Perl, which has development utilities, like dmake.exe)

To install this module type the following:

   cd c:\bin <- included in PATH environ variable 
   perl -MCPAN -e "install Date::Manip" (for Strawberry Perl) or ppm install Date::Manip (for ActivePerl)
   perl Makefile.PL
   dmake test
   dmake install

Non-programming Usage:

   1. Modify taf.bat to create the test structure
   2. Execut taf.bat 
   3. Modify c:\_TAF\_testsuit_\_testcase_\tc.pl (automated TC hook)
   4. Modify c:\_TAF\_testsuit_\tsProperty.txt   (WebUI's Test Case Description )
   5. Open   c:\_TAF\_testsuit_\index.htm with IE  (WebUI to dispsplay, Start TC, record TC historical result/logs) 
   6. Have fun with the TAF

This module requires these other modules and libraries:

Copyright 2012 by Yong Wang (ywangperl@gmail.com) 

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.