To activate this panel:

            - panels
              - Dancer::TemplateVariables

    Or by manually creating an app.psgi, that might contain:

        builder {
            enable 'Debug', panels => ['Dancer::TemplateVariables'];

    Note, that no 'use Plack::Middleware::Debug::Dancer::TemplateVariables'
    is needed.

    This middleware simply dumps all of the variables, that are passed by
    Dancer through the template directive. This is achieved by installing a
    before_layout_render-hook, that saves $tokens for later display.

    Everything is mostly untested. Although it worked in conjunction with
    Template::Toolkit when manually testing it.

    The Idea of Dumping all Template Variables came from
    Plack::Middleware::Debug::TemplateToolkit which only seems to work in
    companion with Plack::Middleware::TemplateToolkit.

    Some parts of the code are stolen from Plack::Middleware::Debug::Base.
    Most notably the vardump-sub. The list-template is also copied, because
    I wanted to add a simple pre-tag around the dumped variable, which
    creates a better format.