% --- start of displayed preamble in the book --- vardef stxp(expr s,p)= save len,prefix,car,lab,xpos,cpos,ratio; numeric len[]; string prefix,car; picture lab; len0=0; for i:=length s step -1 until 1: prefix:=substring(0,i) of s; lab:=thelabel(prefix,(0,0)); len[i]=2*(xpart(urcorner lab)); endfor; ratio=arclength(p)/len[length s]; for i=0 upto (length s)-1: car:=substring(i,i+1) of s; if car<>" ": xpos:=((len[i]+len[i+1])/2)*ratio; cpos:=arctime xpos of p; lab:=thelabel(car,(0,0)); draw lab rotated (angle (direction cpos of p)) shifted (point cpos of p); fi; endfor; enddef; % --- end of displayed preamble in the book --- % graphic converted to gray in book using 'color2gray' defaultfont:="ptmr8r"; warningcheck:=0; beginfig(1) path p; p=((0,0)..(4cm,7cm)..(5cm,3cm)..(3cm,2cm)) yscaled .5; draw p withcolor red; stxp("IN PRINCIPIO CREAVIT DEUS C�LUM ET TERRAM.",p); endfig; end;