\paper{indent=0\mm line-width=110\mm oddFooterMarkup="" oddHeaderMarkup=""} % --- start of displayed header in the book --- % --- end of header --- \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \relative c''' {\key bes \major \time 2/4 g8[( f) es( d)] c[( d) ] <g,-- bes>4 <g a c>8[ <g a c> <g a c> <g a c>] <f-- a d>4 <f-- a d> }} \new Staff { \relative c'' {\time 2/4 \key bes \major \clef bass g8[( f) es( d)] c[( d)] <g, bes-->4 g8[( f) f( e)] d4-- d-- }} >> % --- end of song ---