% \iffalse meta-comment
% baskervaldadf-build.dtx
% Additions and changes Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Clea F. Rees.
% Code from skeleton.dtx Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Scott Pakin (see below).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2008-05-04 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees.
% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
% The file baskervaldadf-build.dtx is a derived work under the terms of the
% LPPL. It is based on version 2.4 of skeleton.dtx which is part of 
% dtxtut by Scott Pakin. A copy of dtxtut, including the 
% unmodified version of skeleton.dtx is available from
% https://www.ctan.org/pkg/dtxtut and released under the LPPL.
% \fi
% \iffalse
% ref. ateb Max Chernoff: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/723294/
%^^A \def\MakePrivateLetters{\makeatletter\ExplSyntaxOn\endlinechar13}
\ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: baskervaldadf-build.dtx 10359 2024-09-17 11:56:05Z cfrees $}[v1.1 \revinfo][\filebase DTX: BaskervaldADF encodings for 8-bit engines]
% l3doc loads fancyvrb
% fancyvrb overwrites svn-prov's macros without warning
% restore \fileversion \filerev in case we're using l3doc
\pdfmapfile{ybv.map}	% not necessary for installed package
\pdfmapfile{+pdftex.map}	% not necessary for installed package
\usepackage[a4paper,headheight=14pt]{geometry}	% use 14pt for 11pt text, 15pt for 12pt text
% sicrhau hyperindex=false: llwytho CYN bookmark
\usepackage{hypdoc}% ateb Ulrike Fischer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/695555/
\title{\filebase{}: Encodings}
\author{Clea F. Rees\thanks{%
    Bug tracker:
  \textbar{} Code:
  \textbar{} Mirror:
\fancyhf[lh]{\itshape\filebase~\fileversion{}: Encodings}
\fancyhf[cf]{--- \thepage~/~\lastpage{} ---}
\hook_gput_code:nnn {shipout/lastpage} {.}
  \property_record:nn {t:lastpage}{abspage,page,pagenum}
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \lastpage 
  \property_ref:nn {t:lastpage}{page}
% \fi
% \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty}
% \pdfinfo{%
% 	/Creator		(TeX)
% 	/Producer		(pdfTeX)
% 	/Author			(Clea F. Rees)
% 	/Title			(baskervaldadf: Encodings)
% 	/Subject		(TeX)
% 	/Keywords
% 	(TeX,LaTeX,font,fonts,tex,latex,Baskervald,baskervald,baskervaldadf,BaskervaldADF,ADF,adf,Arkandis,Digital,Foundry,arkandis,digital,foundry,Hirwen,Harendal,Clea,Rees,encoding,encodings,etx)}
% \pdfcatalog{%
% 	/URL				()
% 	/PageMode	/UseOutlines}	^^A other values: /UseNone, /UseOutlines, /UseThumbs, /FullScreen
% 	^^A[openaction <actionspec>]
% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
% \setlength{\parskip}{0.5em}
% \newcommand*{\adf}{adf}
% \newcommand*{\lpack}[1]{\textsf{#1}}
% \newcommand*{\fgroup}[1]{\textsf{#1}}
% \newcommand*{\fname}[1]{\textsf{#1}}
% \begin{abstract}
%   This file contains listings for the encodings used by \lpack{baskervaldadf}.
%   For commentary and documentation, see \texttt{baskervaldadf.pdf}.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
% \MaybeStop{%
% \PrintIndex
% }
% \section{Supplementary (raw)}
% \begin{itemize} 
%   \item \texttt{supp-ybv.etx}
% \end{itemize}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Reglyph}
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item \texttt{reglyph-ybv.etx}
% \end{itemize}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Encodings (output)}
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item \texttt{t1-baskervald.etx}
%   \item \texttt{t1-baskervald-lig.etx}
%   \item \texttt{ts1-baskervald.etx}
% \end{itemize}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}


   \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else
      \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but 
      you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in 
      the typeset output.}

   % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting
   % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.)
      \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else












\setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files

\setfontdimen{1}{italicslant}    % italic slant
\setfontdimen{2}{interword}      % interword space
\setfontdimen{3}{stretchword}    % interword stretch
\setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword}     % interword shrink
\setfontdimen{5}{xheight}        % x-height
\setfontdimen{6}{quad}           % quad
\setfontdimen{7}{extraspace}     % extra space after .
\setfontdimen{8}{capheight}      % cap height
\setfontdimen{9}{ascender}       % ascender
\setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight}  % accented cap height
\setfontdimen{11}{descender}     % descender's depth
\setfontdimen{12}{maxheight}     % max height
\setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth}      % max depth
\setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth}    % digit width
\setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem}  % dominant width of verical stems
\setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip}  % baselineskip

   \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the 
     default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.}
   \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX ENC - BASKERVALD}

   \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.}

   \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.}

   \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.}

   \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.}

   \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.}

   \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.}

   \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.}

   \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.}

   \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.}

   \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.}

   \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.}

   \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.}

   \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.}

  \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma,
      but with different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.}

  \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.}

  \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas,
      but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'.  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.}

   \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'.  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'}

   \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the
      height of lowercase letters without ascenders.
      It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.}

   \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a
      `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'.
      Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look
      like in a monowidth font.}

   \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as

   \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as
      `\=\j'.  Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else

   \comment{The `ff' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fi' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fl' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffi' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffl' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.}

   \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.}

  \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,',
      included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer
      programs.  Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot
      means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an
      input character will no longer work.}

   \comment{The hash sign `\#'.}

   \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.}

   \comment{The percent sign `\%'.}

   \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.}

   \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.}

   \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.}

   \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.}

   \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.}

   \comment{The addition sign `+'.}

   \comment{The comma `,'.}

   \comment{The hyphen `-'.}

   \comment{The period `.'.}

   \comment{The forward oblique `/'.}

   \comment{The number `0'.  This (and all the other numerals) may be
      old style or ranging digits.}

   \comment{The number `1'.}

   \comment{The number `2'.}

   \comment{The number `3'.}

   \comment{The number `4'.}

   \comment{The number `5'.}

   \comment{The number `6'.}

   \comment{The number `7'.}

   \comment{The number `8'.}

   \comment{The number `9'.}

   \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.}

   \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.}

   \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.}

   \comment{The equals sign `='.}

   \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.}

   \comment{The question mark `?'.}

   \comment{The at sign `@'.}

   \comment{The letter `{A}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{B}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{C}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{D}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{E}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{F}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{G}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{H}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The letter `{I}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{J}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{K}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{L}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{M}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{N}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{O}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{P}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{R}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{S}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{T}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{U}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{V}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{W}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{X}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Z}'.}

   \comment{The opening square bracket `['.}

   \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.}

   \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.}

   \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually
      set on the baseline.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.}

   \comment{The letter `{a}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{b}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{c}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{d}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{e}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{f}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{g}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{h}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{i}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{j}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{k}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{l}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{m}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{n}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{o}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{p}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{r}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{s}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{t}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{u}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{v}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{w}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{x}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{z}'.}

   \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.}

   \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.}

   \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will
      almost always be the same as `hyphen'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v D'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u G'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v N'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `fj' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The letter `\H O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" Y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. Z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `IJ'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The letter `\. I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\dj'.}

   \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v d'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u g'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v n'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `ffj' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The letter `\H o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `ij'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.}

   \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\AE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `AE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" I'.}

   \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D'
      with a horizontal bar through the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\OE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `OE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P'
      with the bowl moved down.  It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'.
      In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.}

   \comment{The letter `\` a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\ae'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `ae'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\`\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\'\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\"\i'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to
     a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem.
     It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\oe'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `oe'.}

   \comment{The letter `\o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p'
      with an ascender rising from the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\ss'.}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}


   \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else
      \comment{Here we set \verb|\uclig#1#2| to \verb|#1spaced|, but 
      you can't see it as \verb|\setcommand| commands are invisible in 
      the typeset output.}

   % The following empty line is *important* to get the formatting
   % right here (sigh)! (Remember that it is a \par token.)
      \ifnumber{\int{letterspacing}}={0}\then \Else












\setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files

\setfontdimen{1}{italicslant}    % italic slant
\setfontdimen{2}{interword}      % interword space
\setfontdimen{3}{stretchword}    % interword stretch
\setfontdimen{4}{shrinkword}     % interword shrink
\setfontdimen{5}{xheight}        % x-height
\setfontdimen{6}{quad}           % quad
\setfontdimen{7}{extraspace}     % extra space after .
\setfontdimen{8}{capheight}      % cap height
\setfontdimen{9}{ascender}       % ascender
\setfontdimen{10}{acccapheight}  % accented cap height
\setfontdimen{11}{descender}     % descender's depth
\setfontdimen{12}{maxheight}     % max height
\setfontdimen{13}{maxdepth}      % max depth
\setfontdimen{14}{digitwidth}    % digit width
\setfontdimen{15}{verticalstem}  % dominant width of verical stems
\setfontdimen{16}{baselineskip}  % baselineskip

   \comment{In this case, the codingscheme can be different from the 
     default, and therefore we refrain from setting it.}
   \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX ENC - BASKERVALD LIG}

   \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.}

   \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.}

   \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.}

   \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.}

   \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.}

   \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.}

   \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.}

   \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.}

   \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.}

   \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.}

   \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.}

   \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.}

   \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.}

  \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma,
      but with different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.}

  \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.}

  \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas,
      but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.}

  \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

  \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright',
      unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. This is called `rangedash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but it needs to be called `endash' to work right. The `\textendash'.  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{1{-}9}'.}

   \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' This is calle `punctdash' by fontinst's t1.etx, but needs to be called `emdash' to work right. The `\textemdash'.  In a monowidth font, this
      might be set as `\texttt{Oh{-}{-}boy.}'}

   \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the
      height of lowercase letters without ascenders.
      It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.}

   \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a
      `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'.
      Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look
      like in a monowidth font.}

   \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as

   \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as
      `\=\j'.  Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{5}\Else

   \comment{The `ff' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fi' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `fl' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffi' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}

   \comment{The `ffl' ligature.  It should be three characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.}

   \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `sp' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The hash sign `\#'.}

   \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.}

   \comment{The percent sign `\%'.}

   \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.}

   \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.}

   \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.}

   \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.}

   \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.}

   \comment{The addition sign `+'.}

   \comment{The comma `,'.}

   \comment{The hyphen `-'.}

   \comment{The period `.'.}

   \comment{The forward oblique `/'.}

   \comment{The number `0'.  This (and all the other numerals) may be
      old style or ranging digits.}

   \comment{The number `1'.}

   \comment{The number `2'.}

   \comment{The number `3'.}

   \comment{The number `4'.}

   \comment{The number `5'.}

   \comment{The number `6'.}

   \comment{The number `7'.}

   \comment{The number `8'.}

   \comment{The number `9'.}

   \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.}

   \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.}

   \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.}

   \comment{The equals sign `='.}

   \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.}

   \comment{The question mark `?'.}

   \comment{The at sign `@'.}

   \comment{The letter `{A}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{B}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{C}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{D}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{E}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{F}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{G}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{H}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The letter `{I}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{J}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{K}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{L}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{M}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{N}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{O}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{P}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{R}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{S}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{T}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{U}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{V}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{W}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{X}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{Z}'.}

   \comment{The opening square bracket `['.}

   \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'.}

   \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `ct' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually
      set on the baseline.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.}

   \comment{The letter `{a}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{b}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{c}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{d}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{e}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{f}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{g}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{h}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{i}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{j}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{k}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{l}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{m}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{n}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{o}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{p}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{q}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{r}'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{-1}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `{s}'.}


   \comment{The letter `{t}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{u}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{v}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{w}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{x}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{y}'.}

   \comment{The letter `{z}'.}

   \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.}

   \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'.
      This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used
      for computer listings.}

   \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `st' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will
      almost always be the same as `hyphen'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v D'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u G'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\L'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v N'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `fj' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The letter `\H O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v R'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c S'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c T'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" Y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v Z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. Z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `IJ'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The letter `\. I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\dj'.}

   \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v d'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\k e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\u g'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\l'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v n'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

   \comment{The `ffj' ligature.  It should be two characters wide in a
      monowidth font.}


   \comment{The letter `\H o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v r'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c s'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c t'.}

   \comment{The letter `\H u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" y'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\v z'.}

   \comment{The letter `\. z'.}

\ifnumber{\int{ligaturing}}<{0}\then \skipslots{1}\Else

      \comment{The letter `ij'.  This is a single letter, and in a 
        monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.}


   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.}

   \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.}

   \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r A'.}

   \comment{The letter `\AE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `AE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c C'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" E'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ I'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" I'.}

   \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D'
      with a horizontal bar through the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ N'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\OE'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `OE'.}

   \comment{The letter `\O'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" U'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' Y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P'
      with the bowl moved down.  It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'.
      In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.}

   \comment{The letter `\` a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\r a'.}

   \comment{The letter `\ae'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `ae'.}

   \comment{The letter `\c c'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" e'.}

   \comment{The letter `\`\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\'\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^\i'.}

   \comment{The letter `\"\i'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to
     a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem.
     It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ n'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\~ o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\oe'.  This is a single letter, and should not be
      faked with `oe'.}

   \comment{The letter `\o'.}

   \comment{The letter `\` u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\^ u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\" u'.}

   \comment{The letter `\' y'.}

   \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p'
      with an ascender rising from the stem.  It is unavailable
      in \plain\ \TeX.}

   \comment{The letter `\ss'.}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}


\setstr{codingscheme}{TEX TEXT COMPANION 1---TS1 - BASKERVALD}




\setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}}              % italic slant
\setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}}                % interword space
\setint{fontdimen(3)}{0}                              % interword stretch
\setint{fontdimen(4)}{0}                              % interword shrink
\setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}}                  % x-height
\setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000}                           % quad
\setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}}                % extra space after .

   \comment{The grave accent `\capitalgrave{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The acute accent `\capitalacute{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The circumflex accent `\capitalcircumflex{}', intended for
      use with capital letters.}

   \comment{The tilde accent `\capitaltilde{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\capitaldieresis{}',
      intended for use with capital letters.}

   \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\capitalhungarumlaut{}',
      intended for use with capital letters.}

   \comment{The ring accent `\capitalring{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\capitalcaron{}', intended
      for use with capital letters.}

   \comment{The breve accent `\capitalbreve{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The macron accent `\capitalmacron{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The dot accent `\capitaldotaccent{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{The cedilla accent `\capitalcedilla{}', intended for use
      with capital letters.}

   \comment{The ogonek accent `\capitalogonek{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{A straight single quote mark on the baseline,

   \comment{A straight double quote mark on the baseline,

   \comment{A 2/3~em dash, `\texttwelveudash'.}

   \comment{A 3/4~em dash, `\textthreequartersemdash'.}

    \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the
      height of capital letters.
      It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.}

   \comment{A left pointing arrow, `\textleftarrow', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{A right pointing arrow, `\textrightarrow', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The original tie accent `\t{}', intended for use with
      lowercase letters.}

   \comment{The tie accent `\capitaltie{}', intended for use with
      capital letters.}

   \comment{A new tie accent `\newtie{}', intended for use with
      lowercase letters.}

   \comment{A new tie accent `\capitalnewtie{}', intended for use
      with capital letters.}

    \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the
      height of lowercase letters with ascenders.
      It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.}

   \comment{The blank indicator `\textblank', similar to the letter `b'
      with an oblique bar throgh the stem.}

   \comment{The dollar sign `\textdollar'.}

   \comment{A straight single quote mark, `\textquotesingle'.}

   \comment{The centered asterisk, `\textasteriskcentered'.}

   \comment{The decimal comma `,'.}

   \comment{An alternate double hyphen, `\textdblhyphen'.}

   \comment{The decimal point `.'.}

   \comment{The fraction slash `\textfractionsolidus'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{0}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{1}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{2}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{3}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{4}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{5}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{6}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{7}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{8}'.}

   \comment{The oldstyle number `\oldstylenums{9}'.}

   \comment{The opening angle bracket `\textlangle', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The subtraction sign `\textminus'.}

   \comment{The closing angle bracket `\textrangle', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The inverted Ohm sign `\textmho', unavailable in most fonts.}

   \comment{A circle `\textbigcircle', big enough to enclose a letter
      as in `\textcopyright' or `\textregistered'.}

   \comment{The upright Ohm sign `\textohm', unavailable in most fonts.
      Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly
      accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.}

   \comment{The opening double square bracket `\textlbrackdbl',
      unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The closing double square bracket `\textrbrackdbl',
      unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{An upwards pointing arrow `\textuparrow', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{An downwards pointing arrow `\textdownarrow', unavailable
      in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style grave `\textasciigrave'. This is supposed
      to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.}

   \comment{The born symbol `\textborn', unavailable in most PostScript

   \comment{The divorced symbol `\textdivorced', unavailable in most
      PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The died symbol `\textdied', unavailable in most PostScript

   \comment{The leaf symbol `\textleaf', unavailable in most PostScript

   \comment{The married symbol `\textmarried', unavailable in most
      PostScript  fonts.}

   \comment{A musical note symbol `\textmusicalnote', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{A lowered tilde `\texttildelow'.  In most PostScript fonts
      it can be substituted by `asciitilde', while `\textasciitilde'
      is supposed to be a raised `tilde'.}

    \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will
      almost always be the same as `hyphendbl'.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style breve `\textasciibreve'. This is supposed
      to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style caron `\textasciicaron'. This is supposed
      to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style double tick mark, `\textacutedbl'.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style double backtick mark, `\textgravedbl'.}

   \comment{The single dagger `\textdagger'.}

   \comment{The double dagger `\textdaggerdbl'.}

   \comment{The double vertical bar `\textbardbl'.}

   \comment{The perthousand sign `\textperthousand'.}

   \comment{The centered bullet `\textbullet'.}

   \comment{The degree centigrade symbol `\textcelsius'.}

   \comment{An oldstyle dollar sign `\textdollaroldstyle'.}

   \comment{An oldstyle cent sign `\textcentoldstyle'.}

   \comment{The florin sign `\textflorin'.}

   \comment{The Colon currency sign `\textcolonmonetary', similar to
      a capital `C' with a vertical bar through the middle.}

   \comment{The Won currency sign `\textwon', similar to a capital `W'
      with two horizontal bars.}

   \comment{The Naira currency sign `\textnaira', similar to a
      capital `N' with two horizontal bars.}

   \comment{The Guarani currency sign `\textguarani',  similar to
      a capital `G' with a vertical bar through the middle.}

   \comment{The Peso currency sign `\textpeso', similar to a capital `P'
      with a horizontal bar through the bowl or below the bowl.}

   \comment{The Lira currency sign `\textlira', similar to a sterling
      sign `\textsterling' with two horizontal bars.}

   \comment{The recipe symbol `\textrecipe', similar to a capital `R'
      with an oblique bar through the tail.}

   \comment{The interrobang symbol `\textinterrobang', similar to
      a combination of an exclamation mark and a question mark.}

   \comment{The inverted interrobang symbol `\textinterrobangdown',
      similar to a combination of an inverted exclamation mark
      and an inverted question mark.}

   \comment{The Dong currency sign `\textdong', similar to a lowercase
      `d'  with a horizontal bar through the stem and another bar below
      the letter.}

   \comment{The trademark sign `\texttrademark', similar to the raised
     letters `TM'.}

   \comment{The pertenthousand sign `\textpertenthousand', unavailable
     in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The pilcrow mark `\textpilcrow', similar to a paragraph
      mark `\textparagraph' with a single stem.}

   \comment{The Baht currency sign `\textbaht', similar to a capital `B'
      with a vertical bar through the middle.}

   \comment{The numero sign `\textnumero', similar to the letter `N'
      with a raised `o', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The discount sign `\textdiscount', similar to a stylized
      percent sign, unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The estimated sign `\textestimated', similar to an enlarged
      lowercase `e', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The centered open bullet `\textopenbullet'', unavailable
      in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The service mark sign `\textservicemark', similar to the
      raised letters `SM', unavailable in most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The opening quill bracket `\textlquill', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The closing quill bracket `\textrquill', unavailable in
      most PostScript fonts.}

   \comment{The cent sign `\textcent'.}

   \comment{The British currency sign, `\textsterling'.}

   \comment{The international currency sign, `\textcurrency'.}

   \comment{The Japanese currency sign, `\textyen'.}

   \comment{A broken vertical bar, `\textbrokenbar', similar to
      `\textbar' with a gap through the middle.}

   \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style dieresis `\textasciidieresis'. This is
       supposed to be character by itself  rather than an accents.}

   \comment{The copyright sign `\textcopyright',  similar to a small
       letter `C' enclosed by a circle.}

   \comment{The raised letter `\textordfeminine'.}

   \comment{The reversed copyright sign `\textcopyleft', similar to
      a small reversed `C' enclosed by a circle.}

   \comment{The logical not sign `\textlnot'.}

   \comment{A small letter `P' enclosed by a circle, `\textcircledP',
      unavailable in most fonts.}

   \comment{The registered trademark sign `\textregistered', similar to
      a small letter `R' enclosed by a circle.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style macron `\textasciimacron'. This is supposed
      to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.}

   \comment{The degree sign `\textdegree'.}

   \comment{The plus or minus sign `\textpm'.}

   \comment{The raised digit `\texttwosuperior'.}

   \comment{The raised digit `\textthreesuperior'.}

   \comment{An ASCII-style acute `\textasciiacute'. This is supposed
      to be a character by itself rather than a combining accents.}

   \comment{The lowercase Greek letter `\textmu', intended  for use as
      a prefix `micro' in physical units.}

   \comment{The paragraph mark `\textparagraph'.}

   \comment{The centered period `\textperiodcentered'.}

   \comment{The reference mark `\textreferencemark', similar to
      a combination of the `multiply' and `divide' symbols.}

   \comment{The raised digit `\textonesuperior'.}

   \comment{The raised letter `\textordmasculine'.}

   \comment{The radical sign `\textsurd', unavailable in most fonts.
      Even if it is available in Mac-encoded fonts, it isn't directly
      accessible in the 8r or 8y encodings.}

   \comment{The fraction `\textonequarter'.}

   \comment{The fraction `\textonehalf'.}

   \comment{The fraction `\textthreequarters'.}

   \comment{The European currency sign, similar to `\texteuro'.}

   \comment{The multiplication sign `\texttimes'.
      This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~215,
      but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was
      considered too late to change it.}


   \comment{The divison sign `\textdiv'.
      This symbol was originally intended to be put into slot~247,
      but ended up in this slot by mistake, at which time it was
      onsidered too late to change it.}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%^^A vim: tw=80: