#pragma once

#include "LibLsp/JsonRpc/RequestInMessage.h"
#include "LibLsp/JsonRpc/lsResponseMessage.h"

#include "LibLsp/lsp/symbol.h"
#include "LibLsp/lsp/lsTextDocumentIdentifier.h"
  * The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list all symbols found in a given text document.
struct lsDocumentSymbolParams
    lsTextDocumentIdentifier textDocument;
    MAKE_SWAP_METHOD(lsDocumentSymbolParams, textDocument)
MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(lsDocumentSymbolParams, textDocument);

struct TextDocumentDocumentSymbol
    typedef std::pair<optional<lsSymbolInformation>, optional<lsDocumentSymbol>> Either;
void Reflect(Reader& visitor, TextDocumentDocumentSymbol::Either& value);

 * The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list all
 * symbols found in a given text document.
 * Registration Options: {@link TextDocumentRegistrationOptions}
 * <p>
 * <b>Caveat</b>: although the return type allows mixing the
 * {@link DocumentSymbol} and {@link SymbolInformation} instances into a list do
 * not do it because the clients cannot accept a heterogeneous list. A list of
 * {@code DocumentSymbol} instances is only a valid return value if the
 * {@link DocumentSymbolCapabilities#getHierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport()
 * textDocument.documentSymbol.hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport} is
 * {@code true}. More details on this difference between the LSP and the LSP4J
 * can be found <a href="https://github.com/eclipse/lsp4j/issues/252">here</a>.
 * </p>

//      lsDocumentSymbolParams,
//      std::vector<TextDocumentDocumentSymbol::Either> );

    td_symbol, lsDocumentSymbolParams, std::vector<lsDocumentSymbol>, "textDocument/documentSymbol"