%                                  The Rank 2 Roots package.
%                                            Version 1.2
%               This package draws root and weight lattices for rank 2 root systems in LaTeX documents, 
%               using the TikZ package.
%               Please see the file rank-2-roots.tex for examples of use of this package.
%                                          Benjamin McKay
%                                          b.mckay@ucc.ie
%               Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see 
%               http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
\ProvidesPackage{rank-2-roots}[2023/09/03 Rank 2 roots]

%% Style options; user can change them.
\pgfkeys{/root system/.is family,
/root system,
weight lattice/.style={draw=gray!40},
root polygon/.style={gray!40,opacity=.5},
hyperplane/.style={gray!50,fill opacity=.5},
Weyl chamber/.style={gray!60,fill opacity=.5},
grading/.style={line width=3pt,gray,opacity=0.5,line cap=round},
weight radius/.code={\pgfmathsetlength\weightRadius{#1}},
weight length/.code={\pgfmathsetlength\weightLength{#1}},
grading dot radius/.code={\pgfmathsetlength\gradingDot{#1}},
simple root radius/.code={\pgfmathsetlength\simple@root@radius{#1}},
simple root/.style={fill=white,draw=gray},
fundamental weight/.style={fill=black,draw=gray},
multiplicity/.estore in = \weight@multiplicity,
multiplicity/.default = 1,
.search also={/tikz},



% hexagonal coordinate system
\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt%
\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt%
% square coordinate system
\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt%
\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt%

\pgfkeys{/root system,#1}%

{\rt[simple root]{1}{0}\rt[simple root]{0}{1}}

{\wt[fundamental weight]{1}{0}\wt[fundamental weight]{0}{1}}


\NewDocumentCommand\A@root{mm}% x,y in units of simple roots
(hex cs:x={(-(#1)+2*(#2))},y={(2*(#1)-(#2))})%

\NewDocumentCommand\B@root{mm}% x,y in units of simple roots
(square cs:x={((#1))},y={(-(#1)+(#2))})%

\NewDocumentCommand\C@root{mm}% x,y in units of simple roots
(square cs:x={(2*(#2)-(#1))},y={#1})%

\NewDocumentCommand\G@root{mm}% x,y in units of simple roots
(hex cs:x={(-(#1)+(#2))},y={(2*(#1)-(#2))})%

\ClassError{Rank 2 roots}{Unrecognized root system: ``#1''. Allowed values are A,B,C,G}{}%

\ClassError{Rank 2 roots}{Error: root system not specified.}{}%




\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\draw[/root system/weight lattice,step=\weightLength,#1] 
\foreach \i in {-\weight@lattice@size,...,\weight@lattice@size}%
\draw[/root system/weight lattice,#1]  ({\weightLength*\i},{\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size})
	-- ({\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size},{\weightLength*\i});%
\draw[/root system/weight lattice,#1] ({-\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size},{\weightLength*\i}) 
	-- ({\weightLength*\i},{-\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size});%
\draw[/root system/weight lattice,#1] ({-\weightLength*\i},{\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size}) 
	-- ({-\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size},{\weightLength*\i});%
\draw[/root system/weight lattice,#1] ({\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size},{\weightLength*\i}) 
	-- ({-\weightLength*\i},{-\weightLength*\weight@lattice@size});%



\pgfkeys{/root system,#1}%
\foreach \i in {2,...,\weight@multiplicity}%
\draw[/root system,weight,#1,fill=none] (hex cs:x=#2,y=#3) circle ({\i*\weightRadius});%
\fill[/root system,weight,#1] (hex cs:x=#2,y=#3) circle (\weightRadius);%

\pgfkeys{/root system,weight,#1}%
\foreach \i in {2,...,\weight@multiplicity}%
\draw[/root system,weight,#1,fill=none] (square cs:x=#2,y=#3) circle ({\i*\weightRadius});%
\fill[/root system,weight,#1] (square cs:x=#2,y=#3) circle (\weightRadius);%

\NewDocumentCommand\rt{O{}mm}%[tikz options,multiplicity=???]{x}{y}
\pgfkeys{/root system,weight,#1}%
\foreach \i in {2,...,\weight@multiplicity}%
\draw[/root system,weight,#1,fill=none] \Root{#2}{#3} circle ({\i*\weightRadius});%
\fill[/root system,weight,#1] \Root{#2}{#3} circle (\weightRadius);%

\NewDocumentCommand\wt{O{}mm}%[tikz options,multiplicity=???]{x}{y}
\pgfkeys{/root system,weight,#1}%
\foreach \i in {2,...,\weight@multiplicity}%
\draw[/root system,weight,#1,fill=none] \weight{#2}{#3} circle ({\i*\weightRadius});%
\fill[/root system,weight,#1] \weight{#2}{#3} circle (\weightRadius);%



%% Can we fit this weight? If not, draw a bigger background.

%% Can we fit this weight? If not, draw a bigger background.

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/root polygon]
(hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- 
(hex cs:x=-2,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=-1) -- 
(hex cs:x=1,y=-2) -- 
(hex cs:x=2,y=-1) -- 

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/root polygon]
(square cs:x=-1,y=-1) --
(square cs:x=-1,y=1) --
(square cs:x=1,y=1) --
(square cs:x=1,y=-1) --
\foreach \i in {-1,0,1}%
\foreach \j in {-1,0,1}%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/root polygon]
(square cs:x=2,y=0) --
(square cs:x=0,y=2) --
(square cs:x=-2,y=0) --
(square cs:x=0,y=-2) --

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/root polygon]
(hex cs:x=1,y=0) -- 
(hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=0,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=-2,y=1) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=0) -- 
(hex cs:x=-1,y=-1) -- 
(hex cs:x=0,y=-1) -- 
(hex cs:x=1,y=-2) -- 
(hex cs:x=1,y=-1) -- 
(hex cs:x=2,y=-1) -- 


{\ClassError{Rank 2 roots}{Error in weight lattice size \weight@lattice@size.}{}}%


\begin{scope}[on background layer]
{A}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] \weight{0}{#2} -- \weight{0}{0} -- \weight{#2}{0} --cycle;}%
{B}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (square cs:x=#2,y=#2) -- (square cs:x=0,y=0)  --(square cs:x=#2,y=0) --cycle;}%
{C}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (square cs:x=#2,y=#2) -- (square cs:x=0,y=0)  --(square cs:x=0,y=#2) --cycle;}%
{G}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (hex cs:x={(.5*#2)},y={(.5*#2)}) -- (hex cs:x=0,y=0)  --(hex cs:x=#2,y=0) --cycle;}%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]
{A}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (hex cs:x=0,y=1.5) -- (hex cs:x=0,y=0) -- (hex cs:x=1.5,y=0) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- cycle;}%
{B}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (square cs:x=1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=0,y=0)  --(square cs:x=1,y=0) --cycle;}%
{C}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (square cs:x=1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=0,y=0)  --(square cs:x=2,y=0) --cycle;}%
{G}{\fill[/root system/Weyl chamber,#1] (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=0,y=0)  --(hex cs:x=1,y=0) --cycle;}%


(hex cs:x=#1,y=#2)%

% B weight coordinate system
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{B weight}%
\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt%
\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt%

(B weight cs:x=#1,y=#2)

% C weight coordinate system
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{C weight}%
\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt%
\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt%

(C weight cs:x=#1,y=#2)

(hex cs:x={(#1+#2)},y=#2)

\draw[/root system/weight lattice,#1] (hex cs:x=#2,y=#3) -- (hex cs:x=#4,y=#5);%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {0,...,#2}%
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {1,...,#2}%
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {0,...,#2}%
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {1,...,#2}%
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {0,...,#2}%
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \nsubi using #2-\i] in {0,...,#2}%

	(hex cs:x=\weight@lattice@size,y=0) -- 
	(hex cs:x=0,y=\weight@lattice@size) -- 
	(hex cs:x=-\weight@lattice@size,y=\weight@lattice@size) -- 
	(hex cs:x=-\weight@lattice@size,y=0) -- 
	(hex cs:x=0,y=-\weight@lattice@size) -- 
	(hex cs:x=\weight@lattice@size,y=-\weight@lattice@size) -- 

\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (hex cs:x=-1.5,y=1.5) --(hex cs:x=-1,y=2) --(hex cs:x=1,y=1) --(hex cs:x=2,y=-1) --(hex cs:x=1.5,y=-1.5) --cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] 
(square cs:x=-.5,y=1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=-1) -- (square cs:x=.5,y=-1) -- cycle;%
%(square cs:x=-1,y=.5) -- (square cs:x=-1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=-.5) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (square cs:x=-1.5,y=.5) -- (square cs:x=0,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=0) -- (square cs:x=1.5,y=-.5) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] 
	(hex cs:x=-1,y=1.5) -- 
	(hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- 
	(hex cs:x=0,y=1) --
	(hex cs:x=1,y=1) --
	(hex cs:x=1,y=0) --
	(hex cs:x=2,y=-1) --
	(hex cs:x=1,y=-1) --
	(hex cs:x=1,y=-1.5) -- cycle;%


\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (hex cs:x=-2,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex  cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=-2) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (square cs:x=0,y=-1) --(square cs:x=1,y=-1) --(square cs:x=1,y=1) --(square cs:x=0,y=1) --cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (square cs:x=-1,y=1) --(square cs:x=1,y=-1) --(square cs:x=1,y=1) --cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (square cs:x=-2,y=0) -- (square cs:x=0,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=0) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (square cs:x=-1,y=1) -- (square cs:x=0,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=0) -- (square cs:x=1,y=-1) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (hex cs:x=-1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex  cs:x=0,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=0) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=-1) -- cycle;%

\begin{scope}[on background layer]%
\fill[/root system/hyperplane,#1] (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) --(hex cs:x=0,y=1) --(hex cs:x=1,y=1) --(hex cs:x=1,y=0) --(hex cs:x=2,y=-1) --(hex cs:x=1,y=-1) --(hex cs:x=1,y=-2) --cycle;%

\ClassError{Rank 2 roots}{Parabolic subalgebra ``#2'' not recognized. Allowed values are 1,2,3.}{}]%

{A1}{\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=1,y=1);}%
{A2}{\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1);}%
{A3}{\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=0,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=0);}%
{B1}{\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1,y=-1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=1);}%
{B2}{\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=0,y=1) -- (square cs:x=1,y=0);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1,y=1) circle (\gradingDot);}%
{B3}{\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1,y=-1) -- (square cs:x=0,y=1);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1,y=0) -- (square cs:x=.5,y=1);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1,y=1) circle (\gradingDot);}%
{C1}{\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=-2,y=1) -- (square cs:x=2,y=1);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=-2,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=2);}%
{C2}{\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=0,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=0);}%
	(square cs:x=-2,y=2) --
	(square cs:x=2,y=2) --
	(square cs:x=2,y=-2) --
	(square cs:x=-2,y=-2) --
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=0,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=1.333333);
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=-2,y=1.3333333) -- (square cs:x=2,y=0);
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=-2,y=2) -- (square cs:x=2,y=.666666);
{G1}{\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=-1,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1);%
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=0,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=0);}%
{G2}{\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[/root system/grading] (square cs:x=1.5,y=\sqrt@three) -- (square cs:x=1.5,y=-\sqrt@three);
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=0,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-2);
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=-.5,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=1.5,y=-2);
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=1,y=1) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-1);
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=0,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=2,y=-2);
\draw[/root system/grading] (hex cs:x=-.5,y=2) -- (hex cs:x=1.5,y=-2);
{G3}{\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \i in {1,...,5}%
\draw[/root system/grading]
	 (square cs:x={.333333333*(\i-1)},y=\sqrt@three) -- 
	(square cs:x={.333333333*(\i+1)},y=-\sqrt@three);
