# An example configuration file for pedigree program
# This file is used for the examples in the program manual.

# Do we want to have a full LaTeX file or just a fragment?

# What kind of document do we want
# $documentheader='\documentclass[landscape]{article}';

# Define additional packages here
# $addtopreamble=<<END;
# \\usepackage{pst-pdgr}

# Do we want to print a legend?

# Fields to include in the legend.  Delete Name for privacy 
# protection. 
@fieldsforlegend = qw(Name DoB AgeAtDeath Comment);

# Fields to put at the node.  Delete Name for privacy 
# protection. 
@fieldsforchart = qw(Name);

# Language
# $language="english";

# Override the encoding

# Fonts for nodes

#  descarmA
$descarmA = 0.8;

# Distances between nodes (in cm)

# Maximal width and height of the pedigree in cm.
# Set this to 0 to switch off scaling
$maxW = 15;
$maxH = 19;

# Whether to rotate the page.  The values are 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe'
# If 'maybe' is chosen, the pedigree is rotated if it allows better
# scaling
$rotate = 'maybe';

# Must be the last line