% Doctrip file for seqsplit
% This file is in public domain
% $Id$
\input docstrip



\Msg{* Congratulations!  You successfully  generated the *}%
\Msg{* adjmulticol package.                              *}%
\Msg{*                                                   *}%
\Msg{* Please move the file adjmulticol.sty the place    *}%
\Msg{* where LaTeX files are kept in your system.  The   *}%
\Msg{* manual is in the file adjmulticol.pdf.            *}%
\Msg{*                                                   *}%
\Msg{* The package is released under LPPL with the       *}%
\Msg{* additional condition inherited from the multicol  *}%
\Msg{* package                                           *}%
\Msg{*                                                   *}%
\Msg{* Happy TeXing!                                     *}%