% historian.cbx, v0.4, 2010/08/22
% A citation style for use with biblatex
% Developed and maintained by Sander Gliboff, 
% based on guidelines from the Turabian Manual for Writers, 7th ed.

\ProvidesFile{historian.cbx}[2010/08/22 v0.4 historian citation style]

	{Outdated 'biblatex' package
	The 'historian' style requires biblatex v0.9b or later.\MessageBreak
	 You are using: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
	 This is a fatal error.}%

%Redefine \blockcquote command of the csquotes package to generate a footnote


%Option to suppress the crossreferences to first citation of a source (new in v. 0.2)
%This style builds on Lehman's original verbose-inote style,
%from which the following macros are copied:



%The following are changed from verbose-inote to initialize the citepages option as `omit'
      test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
      test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}


       {Invalid option 'citepages=#1'}
       {Valid values are 'permit', 'suppress', 'omit', 'separate'.}}}

  \renewcommand\citepagesseparator{\addcomma\addspace}%Changed: no colon in this case


\relax}%Changed--macros initialized for the omit option

  \renewcommand\citepagesseparator{\addcomma\addspace}%Changed: no colon in this case
      togl {cbx:fullcite}
      test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}
      test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
	not test {\iffieldundef{pages}}
	not test {\iffieldundef{pagetotal}}








%  \usebibmacro{cite:citepages}%
%  \global\togglefalse{cbx:loccit}%
%  \ifciteseen
%    {\iffieldundef{shorthand}
%       {\ifthenelse{\ifciteibid\AND\NOT\iffirstonpage}
%          {\usebibmacro{footcite:ibid}}
%          {\usebibmacro{footcite:note}}}
%       {\usebibmacro{footcite:shorthand}}}
%    {\usebibmacro{footcite:full}%
%     \usebibmacro{footcite:save}}}


%  \usebibmacro{cite:full:citepages}%
%  \printtext[bibhypertarget]{%
%    \usedriver
%      {\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{default}}
%      {\thefield{entrytype}}}%
%  \usebibmacro{shorthandintro}}

%  \ifnameundef{labelname}
%    {\printfield{label}}
%    {\printnames{labelname}}%
%  \ifsingletitle
%    {}
%    {\setunit*{\nametitledelim}%
%     \printfield[title]{labeltitle}}%
%  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
%  \printtext{%
%    \bibstring{seenote}\addnbspace
%    \ref{cbx@\csuse{cbx@f@\thefield{entrykey}}}%
%    \iftoggle{cbx:pageref}
%      {\ifsamepage{\the\value{instcount}}
%                  {\csuse{cbx@f@\thefield{entrykey}}}
%         {}
%	 {\addcomma\space\bibstring{page}\addnbspace
%	  \pageref{cbx@\csuse{cbx@f@\thefield{entrykey}}}}}
%      {}}}



%  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
%  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
%   \iffootnote
%     {\usebibmacro{footcite}}
%     {\usebibmacro{cite}}}
%  {\multicitedelim}
%  {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}

%  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
%  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
%   \iffootnote
%     {\usebibmacro{footcite}}
%     {\usebibmacro{cite}}}
%  {\multicitedelim}
%  {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}

%  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
%  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
%   \usebibmacro{footcite}}
%  {\multicitedelim}
%  {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}

%End of inherited routines from verbose-inote 

%%%%%%%%%%		MODIFIED CITE AND FOOTCITE CITECOMMANDS		%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\newtoggle{repeatedcitationflag}%Needed for punctuating postnote

%Test for repeated citation before the new key gets saved
			{%then call footcite macro
			{%else cite macro instead of footcite
		{%Then special case for articles with page ranges in postnote
			\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
     					 and test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}}
				{%Page range was suppressed; need colon instead of comma before postnote
						{%then exception after short forms in repeated citations
						{%else insert the colon
				{%else no page range recognized in postnote
		{%Else not an article
	}%End postcode

%Test for repeated citation before the new key gets saved
		{%Then special case for articles with page ranges in postnote
			\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
     					 and test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}}
				{%Pages field was suppressed; need colon instead of comma before postnote
						{%then exception after short forms in repeated citations
						{%else insert the colon
				{%else no page range recognized in postnote
		{%Else not an article
	}%End postcode

%%%%%%%%%%		MODIFIED FOOTCITE MACRO		%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Loopcode of footcite command modified from verbose-inote to include special short forms
	{%then1 repeated citation
       		{%Then2 no shorthand
       				{%Then3 use special short form for classics, instead of ibid. or note
							{%Then4 different short form for government documents
							{%Else4 default routines
							}%Endif, end else4
					}%Endif, end else3
			}%End then2
			{%Else2 use shorthand
			}%Endif, end else2
	}%End then1
    {%Else1 not a repeated citation: cite in full
	}%Endif, end else1
}%End footcite macro

%Like the Verbose styles, historian.cbx uses the drivers from the bbx file
%Bbx file defines periods as unit punctuation; here we change to commas




%Modified from verbose-inote.cbx to include special short forms for letters, archives, documents, and some non-print sources
		{%Titles only
    		{%Title label already printed
	{%Then option set for note references
  			{%Then suppress note function in crossreferences in any case
			{%Else print note number
				\printtext {%
				      {}}%end printtext
      			}%endelse, endiftoggle
    {%Else option set to suppress note references



%Special foocite command with a period before the postnote
%Special footcite command without punctuation or spacing before the postnote    
%Special footcite command with a colon before the postnote    
%Set flag to have article driver print pages field only when there's no postnote

%Special cite command with a period before the postnote (new in v. 0.2)
   \usebibmacro{footcite}}% [Sic. The \cite macro doesn't have all the short forms]
%Special cite command without punctuation before the postnote (new in v. 0.2)
   \usebibmacro{footcite}}% [Sic. The \cite macro doesn't have all the short forms]
%Special cite command with a colon before the postnote (new in v. 0.2)
%Set flag to have article driver print pages only when there's no postnote
\usebibmacro{footcite}}% [Sic. The \cite macro doesn't have all the short forms]
%Multicite versions with modified punctuation between citations


%%%%%%%%%		MODIFIED PARENCITE	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%Special author-title form for parenthetical notes
    {%Then Author not in use; try editor, translator
	{%Else check for anonymous, but known, authorship
			{%then anonymous author goes in brackets; usual punctuation outside brackets
			{%else check for uncertain authorship
					{%then question mark in brackets; usual punctuation outside brackets
					{%else no brackets; check for redundant author
						\ifthenelse {\equal{\thefield{authortype}}{\authortyperedundant}}%
							{%else authortype not redundant, just print as usual
}%end of macro

%%%%%%%%%	CITE COMMAND FOR ANNOTATIONS---new in v. 0.2  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%For printing both abstract and annotation after main citation (new in v. 0.2)
\printtext{\unspace}%Just to force unit punctuation before indentannote environment

%%%%%%%%%%		MODIFIED CITE AND FOOTCITE WITH URL AFTER POSTNOTE		%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

	{\relax}% Postnote already printed by onlinelocation macro in bbx

	{\relax}% Postnote already printed by onlinelocation macro in bbx	
%%%%%%%%%%	CITE COMMANDS FOR CROSSREFERENCING  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Cross-referencing to collection in footnotes
%(The corresponding routine for bibliography cross-referencing is in the bbx file)

% Cross-referencing to periodical in footnotes
%(The corresponding routine for bibliography cross-referencing is in the bbx file)
% Cross-referencing to customa in footnotes
%(The corresponding routine for bibliography cross-referencing is in the bbx file)

% Cross-referencing to reference in footnotes
%(The corresponding routine for bibliography cross-referencing is in the bbx file)
