% \iffalse meta-comment
% ======================================================================
% defoldfonts.dtx
% Copyright © 2008–2023 Markus Kohm
% Development of this work is taking place at
% <https://github.com/komascript/defoldfont>.  New issues should be
% reported there as well as known issues can be found.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
% the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.<3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
% The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
% This work consists of the file `defoldfonts.dtx' and `README.md'.
% The recommended way to install `defoldfonts' is to use
% the package manager of your TeX distribution.
% ======================================================================
  [2023-07-28 v1.0
%<dtx> sources and unpack driver of
  re-implementation of deprecated KOMA-Script code]
  \input docstrip.tex
  author={Markus Kohm},
  title={{\KOMAScript} --- A bundle of versatile classes and packages},
  note={The \KOMAScript{} bundle provides replacements for the \pkg*{article},
        \pkg*{report}, and \pkg*{book} classes with emphasis on typography and
        versatility. There is also a letter class.},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  subtitle={Die Anleitung},
  author={Markus Kohm},
  subtitle={The Guide},
% \changes{v0.1}{2023/06/01}{start of \KOMAScript{} spin-off}
% \GetFileInfo{defoldfonts.dtx}
% \title{Defining Old Font Commands}
% \author{\href{mailto:komascript@gmx.info}{Markus Kohm}}
% \date{Version \filedate{} \fileversion}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
%   The package defines the old font commands \cs{rm}, \cs{sf}, \cs{tt},
%   \cs{bf}, \cs{it}, and \cs{sc} that became obsolete with \LaTeXe{} and has
%   been removed from the \LaTeX{} kernel. It also defines the old
%   \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} font command \cs{sfb}. It can
%   be useful if you use a class like the
%   \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} classes, which do not define
%   the old commands by default, and also an old \BibTeX{} style or package,
%   that depends on these commands. However, it should be seen as an emergency
%   workaround rather than a solution.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
\section{What are the possible reasons for using package
  \texorpdfstring{\pkg*{defoldfonts}}{defoldfonts} and how to do it?}

With \LaTeXe{} in 1994 the font commands of \LaTeX~2.09 became obsolete. These
are not longer defined in the \LaTeX{} kernel. Instead of them, you should use
\cs{rmfamily} resp. \cs{textrm}, \cs{sffamily} resp. \cs{textsf},
\cs{ttfamily} resp. \cs{texttt}, \cs{bfseries} resp. \cs{textbf}, \cs{itshape}
resp. \cs{textit}, \cs{slshape} resp. \cs{textsl}, and \cs{scshape}
resp. \cs{testsc}. The old \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} command
\cs{sfb} should be replaced by a combination of \cs{sf} and \cs{bf}
resp. \cs{textsf} and \cs{textbf}. But unfortunately not only some old
\BibTeX{} styles but even some packages still use these obsolete commands. The
standard classes therefore still define them. The
\href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} classes also define them, but only
to show an error message like:
  Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\bf'.

  See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
  Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

  l.3 \bf
Within an interactive \LaTeX{} run you can get some more information typing
\texttt{H} and pressing the \texttt{return} key:
  You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
  called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
  classes had defined the old font commands like `\bf' only for compatibility
  with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
  commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
  KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
  Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
  more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
  the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
  `\bf', e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
  or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\bf' yourself,
  you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries '.
  To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
So to fix the issue, you could load the class with option
\opt{enabledeprecatedfontcommands}. But because this option is also
deprecated, this would result in warning messages like:
  Class scrartcl Warning: deprecated option `enabledeprecatedfontcommands'.
  (scrartcl)              Note, that this option was already depreacted when
  (scrartcl)              it has been defined. Support for old font commands
  (scrartcl)              has been removed from KOMA-Script more than one
  (scrartcl)              decade ago. It is not recommended to use them any
  (scrartcl)              longer. Therefore usage of this class option also
  (scrartcl)              is not recommended.
  Class scrartcl Warning: deprecated old font command `\bf' used.
  (scrartcl)              You should note, that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a
  (scrartcl)              new font selection scheme called NFSS2 with several
  (scrartcl)              new, combinable font commands. New KOMA-Script classes
  (scrartcl)              defined the old font commands like `\bf' only for
  (scrartcl)              compatibility with LaTeX 2.09 document styles of
  (scrartcl)              Script 2.0. These commands are deprecated and
  (scrartcl)              undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013,
  (scrartcl)              KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of
  (scrartcl)              these deprecated commands. Now, after two decades of
  (scrartcl)              LaTeX2e, NFSS2, and KOMA-Script these commands will
  (scrartcl)              not work any longer. If loading a package results in
  (scrartcl)              this message you should contact the author of that
  (scrartcl)              package and ask him to replace the depracted font
  (scrartcl)              command `\bf', e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries '.
  (scrartcl)              Otherwise you should reconfigure or replace the
  (scrartcl)              package. If you have used the old font command
  (scrartcl)              `\bf' yourself you should replace it, e.g., by
  (scrartcl)              `\normalfont \bfseries ' on input line ….
As an alternative you can load package \pkg*{defoldfonts}.

The package should be loaded in the preamble using:
Usually the order of \pkg*{defoldfonts} and other packages is irrelevant.

% \iffalse
% \fi
% \MaybeStop{\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]\PrintIndex}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \section{Implementation}
% \label{sec:implementation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{command}{\rm,\sf,\tt,\bf,\it,\sl,\sc,\sfb}
% We define these commands without compromise:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{command}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \Finale
% \PrintChanges
% \endinput
% Local Variables:
% mode: doctex
% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US"
% eval: (flyspell-mode 1)
% TeX-master: t
% End: