% \iffalse meta-comment % ====================================================================== % defoldfonts.dtx % Copyright © 2008–2023 Markus Kohm % % Development of this work is taking place at % <https://github.com/komascript/defoldfont>. New issues should be % reported there as well as known issues can be found. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.<3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of the file `defoldfonts.dtx' and `README.md'. % % The recommended way to install `defoldfonts' is to use % the package manager of your TeX distribution. % ====================================================================== % %<*dtx> \ifx\ProvidesFile\undefined\def\ProvidesFile#1[#2]{}\fi \ProvidesFile{defoldfonts.dtx} %</dtx> %<*dtx|package> %<package>\ProvidePackage{defoldfonts} [2023-07-28 v1.0 %<dtx> sources and unpack driver of re-implementation of deprecated KOMA-Script code] %<package>} %</dtx|package> %<*dtx> \ifx\documentclass\undefined \input docstrip.tex \generate{% \file{defoldfonts.sty}{% \from{defoldfonts.dtx}{package}% }% }% \else \let\endbatchfile\relax \fi \endbatchfile \documentclass[ngerman,USenglish]{koma-script-source-doc} \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[style=alphabetic]{biblatex} \begin{filecontents}[force]{\jobname.bib} @online{pkg:koma-script, author={Markus Kohm}, version={3.41}, date={2023-07-07}, title={{\KOMAScript} --- A bundle of versatile classes and packages}, url={https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script}, urldate={2023-07-14}, note={The \KOMAScript{} bundle provides replacements for the \pkg*{article}, \pkg*{report}, and \pkg*{book} classes with emphasis on typography and versatility. There is also a letter class.}, } @manual{pkg:koma-script:manual:de, author={Markus Kohm}, date={2023-06-16}, title={{\KOMAScript}}, subtitle={Die Anleitung}, url={http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/scrguide-de.pdf}, urldate={2023-07-04}, } @manual{pkg:koma-script:manual:en, author={Markus Kohm}, date={2023-06-16}, title={{\KOMAScript}}, subtitle={The Guide}, url={http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/scrguide-en.pdf}, urldate={2023-07-14}, } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{2} \begin{document} \nocite{pkg:koma-script,pkg:koma-script:manual:en,pkg:koma-script:manual:de} \DocInput{defoldfonts.dtx} \end{document} %</dtx> %\fi % % \changes{v0.1}{2023/06/01}{start of \KOMAScript{} spin-off} % % \GetFileInfo{defoldfonts.dtx} % \title{Defining Old Font Commands} % \author{\href{mailto:komascript@gmx.info}{Markus Kohm}} % \date{Version \filedate{} \fileversion} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % The package defines the old font commands \cs{rm}, \cs{sf}, \cs{tt}, % \cs{bf}, \cs{it}, and \cs{sc} that became obsolete with \LaTeXe{} and has % been removed from the \LaTeX{} kernel. It also defines the old % \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} font command \cs{sfb}. It can % be useful if you use a class like the % \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} classes, which do not define % the old commands by default, and also an old \BibTeX{} style or package, % that depends on these commands. However, it should be seen as an emergency % workaround rather than a solution. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % %\iffalse %<*doc> %\fi \section{What are the possible reasons for using package \texorpdfstring{\pkg*{defoldfonts}}{defoldfonts} and how to do it?} \label{sec:reasons} \DescribeCommand{\rm}% \DescribeCommand{\sf}% \DescribeCommand{\tt}% \DescribeCommand{\bf}% \DescribeCommand{\it}% \DescribeCommand{\sl}% \DescribeCommand{\sc}% \DescribeCommand{\sfb}% With \LaTeXe{} in 1994 the font commands of \LaTeX~2.09 became obsolete. These are not longer defined in the \LaTeX{} kernel. Instead of them, you should use \cs{rmfamily} resp. \cs{textrm}, \cs{sffamily} resp. \cs{textsf}, \cs{ttfamily} resp. \cs{texttt}, \cs{bfseries} resp. \cs{textbf}, \cs{itshape} resp. \cs{textit}, \cs{slshape} resp. \cs{textsl}, and \cs{scshape} resp. \cs{testsc}. The old \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} command \cs{sfb} should be replaced by a combination of \cs{sf} and \cs{bf} resp. \cs{textsf} and \cs{textbf}. But unfortunately not only some old \BibTeX{} styles but even some packages still use these obsolete commands. The standard classes therefore still define them. The \href{https://komascript.de/}{\KOMAScript} classes also define them, but only to show an error message like: \begin{verbatim} Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\bf'. See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.3 \bf \end{verbatim} Within an interactive \LaTeX{} run you can get some more information typing \texttt{H} and pressing the \texttt{return} key: \begin{verbatim} You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script classes had defined the old font commands like `\bf' only for compatibility with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013 KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands. Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command `\bf', e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries `. Otherwise you should reconfigure or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\bf' yourself, you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries '. To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option `enabledeprecatedfontcommands'. \end{verbatim} So to fix the issue, you could load the class with option \opt{enabledeprecatedfontcommands}. But because this option is also deprecated, this would result in warning messages like: \begin{verbatim} Class scrartcl Warning: deprecated option `enabledeprecatedfontcommands'. (scrartcl) Note, that this option was already depreacted when (scrartcl) it has been defined. Support for old font commands (scrartcl) has been removed from KOMA-Script more than one (scrartcl) decade ago. It is not recommended to use them any (scrartcl) longer. Therefore usage of this class option also (scrartcl) is not recommended. \end{verbatim} and: \begin{verbatim} Class scrartcl Warning: deprecated old font command `\bf' used. (scrartcl) You should note, that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a (scrartcl) new font selection scheme called NFSS2 with several (scrartcl) new, combinable font commands. New KOMA-Script classes (scrartcl) defined the old font commands like `\bf' only for (scrartcl) compatibility with LaTeX 2.09 document styles of (scrartcl) Script 2.0. These commands are deprecated and (scrartcl) undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013, (scrartcl) KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of (scrartcl) these deprecated commands. Now, after two decades of (scrartcl) LaTeX2e, NFSS2, and KOMA-Script these commands will (scrartcl) not work any longer. If loading a package results in (scrartcl) this message you should contact the author of that (scrartcl) package and ask him to replace the depracted font (scrartcl) command `\bf', e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries '. (scrartcl) Otherwise you should reconfigure or replace the (scrartcl) package. If you have used the old font command (scrartcl) `\bf' yourself you should replace it, e.g., by (scrartcl) `\normalfont \bfseries ' on input line …. \end{verbatim} As an alternative you can load package \pkg*{defoldfonts}. The package should be loaded in the preamble using: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{defoldfonts} \end{verbatim} Usually the order of \pkg*{defoldfonts} and other packages is irrelevant. % \iffalse %</doc> % \fi % % \MaybeStop{\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]\PrintIndex} % % \iffalse %<*package> % \fi % \section{Implementation} % \label{sec:implementation} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{command}{\rm,\sf,\tt,\bf,\it,\sl,\sc,\sfb} % We define these commands without compromise: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\rm}{\normalfont\rmfamily}{\mathrm} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\sf}{\normalfont\sffamily}{\mathsf} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\tt}{\normalfont\ttfamily}{\mathtt} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\bf}{\normalfont\bfseries}{\mathbf} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\it}{\normalfont\itshape}{\mathit} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\sl}{\normalfont\slshape}{\@nomath\sl} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\sc}{\normalfont\scshape}{\@nomath\sc} \DeclareOldFontCommand{\sfb}{\normalfont\sffamily\bfseries}{\@nomath\sfb} % \end{macrocode} % \end{command} % % \iffalse %</package> % \fi % % \Finale % \PrintChanges % % \endinput % Local Variables: % mode: doctex % ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US" % eval: (flyspell-mode 1) % TeX-master: t % End: