#!/usr/bin/env texlua --[[ File : makeglossaries-lite.lua Author : Nicola Talbot Lua alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script. Since Lua has limitations, this script isn't an exact replacement to the Perl script. In particular the makeglossaries -d switch isn't implemented in this Lua version. This also doesn't provide the more detailed diagnostics that the Perl version does nor does it attempt any language mappings. Since xindy requires Perl, don't use this script if you want to use xindy. Instead use the Perl makeglossaries script. This file is distributed as part of the glossaries LaTeX package. Copyright 2015-2025 Nicola L.C. Talbot This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. This work consists of the files glossaries.dtx and glossaries.ins and the derived files glossaries.sty, glossaries-prefix.sty, glossary-hypernav.sty, glossary-inline.sty, glossary-list.sty, glossary-long.sty, glossary-longbooktabs.sty, glossary-longragged.sty, glossary-mcols.sty, glossary-super.sty, glossary-superragged.sty, glossary-tree.sty, glossaries-compatible-207.sty, glossaries-compatible-307.sty, glossaries-accsupp.sty, glossaries-babel.sty, glossaries-polyglossia.sty, glossaries.l2h. Also makeglossaries and makeglossaries-lite.lua. History: * 4.48 - 4.58: - no change. * 4.47: - Added hybrid instructions if record option detected but not \makeglossaries - Added extra info to error message on -d - Fixed bug #183 that occurs when \@istfilename is missing - Only add double-quotes if text contains any spaces which may help address issue #129 * 4.40 - 4.46: - no change. * 4.39: - corrected script name in version and help messages * 4.38: - no change. * 4.37: - no change. * 4.36: - fixed check for double-quotes (from \jobname when the file name contains spaces). * 4.35: - no change. * 4.34: - added check for \glsxtr@resource * 4.33: - version number synchronized with glossaries.sty * 1.3 - added check for \glsxtr@makeglossaries * 1.2 (2016-05-27) - added check for \@gls@extramakeindexopts - added check for nil codepage * 1.1 - changed first line from lua to texlua --]] thisversion = "4.58 (2025-03-19)" quiet = false dryrun = false infile = nil outfile = nil styfile = nil logfile = nil isxindy = false isbib2gls = false xindylang = nil xindyexec = "xindy" makeindex_c = false makeindex_g = false letterorder = false makeindex_r = false makeindex_p = nil makeindex_extra = nil makeindex_m = "makeindex" function version() verYear = string.match(thisversion, "%d%d%d%d"); print(string.format("makeglossaries-lite version %s", thisversion)) print(string.format("Copyright (C) 2015-%s Nicola L C Talbot", verYear)) print("This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.") end function help() version() print([[ Syntax : makeglossaries-lite [options] For use with the glossaries package to pass relevant files to makeindex or xindy. Base name of glossary file(s). This should be the name of your main LaTeX document without any extension. If you do add an extension, only that glossary file will be processed. General Options: -o Use as the output file. (Don't use -o if you have more than one glossary.) -s Employ as the style file. -t Employ as the transcript file. (Don't use -t if you have more than one glossary or the transcripts will be overwritten.) -q Quiet mode. -l Letter ordering. -n Print the command that would normally be executed, but don't execute it (dry run). --help Print this help message. --version Print the version. Xindy Options: -L Use . -x Full path to xindy executable. (Default assumes xindy is on the operating system's path.) Makeindex Options: (See makeindex documentation for further details on these options.) -c Compress intermediate blanks. -g Employ German word ordering. -p Set the starting page number to be . -r Disable implicit page range formation. -m Full path to makeindex executable. (Default assumes makeindex is on the operating system's path.) This is a light-weight Lua alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script. If you want to use xindy, it's better to use the Perl makeglossaries version instead. ]]) end function dorun(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage) if isxindy then doxindy(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage) else domakeindex(name, glg, gls, glo) end end -- v4.47 only add double-quotes if text contains any spaces function quote_if_spaced(str) if string.find(str, " ") then str = '"' .. str .. '"' end return str; end function doxindy(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage) if codepage == nil then codepage = "utf8" end cmd = string.format('%s -I xindy -L %s -C %s -M %s -t %s -o %s', quote_if_spaced(xindyexec), language, codepage, quote_if_spaced(styfile), quote_if_spaced(glg), quote_if_spaced(gls)) if letterorder then cmd = string.format('%s -M ord/letorder', cmd) end if quiet then cmd = string.format('%s -q', cmd) end cmd = string.format('%s %s', cmd, quote_if_spaced(glo)) if dryrun then print(cmd) else assert(os.execute(cmd), string.format("Failed to execute '%s'", cmd)) end end function domakeindex(name, glg, gls, glo) cmd = quote_if_spaced(makeindex_m) if makeindex_c then cmd = cmd .. " -c" end if makeindex_g then cmd = cmd .. " -g" end if letterorder then cmd = cmd .. " -l" end if makeindex_extra then cmd = cmd .. " " .. makeindex_extra end if quiet then cmd = cmd .. " -q" end if glg ~= nil then cmd = string.format('%s -t %s', cmd, quote_if_spaced(glg)) end if gls ~= nil then cmd = string.format('%s -o %s', cmd, quote_if_spaced(gls)) end if makeindex_p ~= nil then cmd = string.format("%s -p %s", cmd, makeindex_p) end if styfile ~= nil then cmd = string.format('%s -s %s', cmd, quote_if_spaced(styfile)) end cmd = string.format('%s %s', cmd, quote_if_spaced(glo)) if dryrun then print(cmd) else assert(os.execute(cmd), string.format("Failed to execute '%s'", cmd)) end end if #arg < 1 then error("Syntax error: filename expected. Use --help for help.") end i = 1 while i <= #arg do -- General Options if arg[i] == "-q" then quiet = true elseif arg[i] == "-n" then dryrun = true elseif arg[i] == "-o" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-o requires a filename") end outfile = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "-s" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-s requires a filename") end styfile = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "-t" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-t requires a filename") end logfile = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "--version" then version() os.exit() elseif arg[i] == "--help" then help() os.exit() -- General options for the Perl version that aren't implemented by -- this light-weight version: elseif (arg[i] == "-Q") or (arg[i] == "-k") then print(string.format("Ignoring option '%s' (only available with the Perl version).", arg[i])) elseif arg[i] == "-d" then error(string.format( "The '%s' option isn't available for this light-weight version. \n(Lua doesn't natively provide a function to change directory.) \nYou will need to use the Perl version instead \nor just change directory before running this script.", arg[i])) -- Xindy Options elseif arg[i] == "-L" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-L requires a language name") end xindylang = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "-x" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-x requires a filename") end xindyexec = arg[i] -- Makeindex Options elseif arg[i] == "-c" then makeindex_c = true elseif arg[i] == "-g" then makeindex_g = true elseif arg[i] == "-l" then letterorder = true elseif arg[i] == "-r" then makeindex_r = true elseif arg[i] == "-p" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-p requires a page number") end makeindex_p = arg[i] elseif arg[i] == "-m" then i = i + 1 if i > #arg then error("-m requires a filename") end makeindex_m = arg[i] -- Unknown Option elseif string.sub(arg[i], 1, 1) == "-" then error( string.format("Syntax error: unknown option '%s'. Use '--help' for help.", arg[i])); -- Input file elseif infile == nil then infile = arg[i] else error("Syntax error: only one filename permitted"); end i = i + 1 end if not quiet then print(string.format("makeglossaries.lua version %s", thisversion)) end if infile == nil then error("Syntax error: missing filename") end i, j = string.find(infile, "%.%a*$") ext = nil inbase = infile if i ~= nil then ext = string.sub(infile, i, j); lext = string.lower(ext) inbase = string.sub(infile, 1, i-1); -- Just in case user has accidentally specified the aux or tex file if lext == ".aux" or lext == ".tex" then ext = nil infile = inbase end end auxfile = inbase..".aux" if not quiet then print(string.format("Parsing '%s'", auxfile)) end assert(io.input(auxfile), string.format("Unable to open '%s'", auxfile)) aux = io.read("*a") if string.find(aux, "\\glsxtr@resource") ~= nil then isbib2gls = true end if styfile == nil then -- v4.36: corrected check for double-quotes styfile = string.match(aux, "\\@istfilename{([^}]*)}") -- v4.47: added check for null styfile (missing \@istfilename) if styfile ~= nil then styfile = string.gsub(styfile, "\"", ""); end if styfile == nil then if isbib2gls then -- v4.47 added extra hybrid instructions error([[ No \@istfilename found but found \glsxtr@resource. You need to run bib2gls not makeglossaries-lite. If you have used record=alsoindex or record=hybrid then add \makeglossaries to your preamble. ]]) else error([[ No \@istfilename found. Did your LaTeX run fail? Did your LaTeX run produce any output? Did you remember to use \makeglossaries? ]]) end end end i = string.len(styfile) if string.sub(styfile, i-3, i) == ".xdy" then isxindy = true end if not letterorder then if string.match(aux, "\\@glsorder{letter}") ~= nil then letterorder = true end end makeindex_extra = string.match(aux, "\\@gls@extramakeindexopts{([^}]*%.?%a*)}") if dryrun then print("Dry run mode. No commands will be executed.") end onlyname = nil glossaries = {} for name, glg, gls, glo in string.gmatch(aux, "\\@newglossary{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}") do if not quiet then print(string.format("Found glossary type '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", name, glg, gls, glo)) end glossaries[name] = {} glossaries[name].glg = glg glossaries[name].gls = gls glossaries[name].glo = glo if "."..glo == ext then onlyname = name end if isxindy then if xindylang == nil then glossaries[name].language = string.match(aux, "\\@xdylanguage{"..name.."}{([^}]+)}"); else glossaries[name].language = xindylang end glossaries[name].codepage = string.match(aux, "\\@gls@codepage{"..name.."}{([^}]+)}"); end end onlytypes = string.match(aux, "\\glsxtr@makeglossaries{([^}]+)}") if onlytypes ~= nil then if not quiet then print(string.format("Only process subset: '%s'", onlytypes)) end onlyglossaries = {} for name in string.gmatch(onlytypes, '([^,]+)') do onlyglossaries[name] = glossaries[name] end glossaries = onlyglossaries end if ext == nil then done = false for name, value in pairs(glossaries) do glg = value.glg gls = value.gls glo = value.glo if logfile == nil then glg = inbase .. "." .. glg else glg = logfile end if outfile == nil then gls = inbase .. "." .. gls else gls = outfile end glo = infile .. "." .. glo dorun(name, glg, gls, glo, value.language, value.codepage) done = true end if not done then error([[ No \@newglossary commands found in aux file. Did you remember to use \makeglossaries? Did you accidentally suppress the default glossary using "nomain" and not provide an alternative glossary? ]]) end else if onlyname == nil then glo = infile gls = outfile glg = logfile language = xindylang codepage = 'utf8' if language == nil then language = 'english' end if gls == nil then gls = infile..".gls" end else value = glossaries[onlyname] glg = value.glg gls = value.gls glo = infile if logfile == nil then glg = inbase .. "." .. glg else glg = logfile end if outfile == nil then gls = inbase .. "." .. gls else gls = outfile end end if codepage == nil then codepage = 'utf8'; end dorun(onlyname, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage) end