% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2011 by Enrico Gregorio % <Enrico dot Gregorio at univr dot it> % ------------------------------------------------------- % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Enrico Gregorio. % % This work consists of the files % gmp.dtx % gmp.ins % and the derived file gmp.sty. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{gmp.dtx} %</driver> %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2008/04/05] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{gmp} %<*package> [2011/03/10 v1.0 Integrate MetaPost with LaTeX (EG)] %</package> % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[shellescape,tex]{gmp} \usepackage{url,float,microtype} \usepackage{metalogo,mflogo,color} \floatstyle{ruled} \restylefloat{figure} \restylefloat{table} % \newenvironment{averbatim}{\verbatim}{\endverbatim} \newenvironment{annotation} {\par\addvspace{\medskipamount}\footnotesize} {\par\addvspace{\medskipamount}} \newcommand{\cmdname}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \renewcommand{\meta}[1]{$\langle$\textnormal{\itshape#1\/}$\rangle$} \renewcommand{\marg}[1]{\texttt{\char`\{#1\char`\}}} \renewcommand{\oarg}[1]{\texttt{[#1]}} \newcommand{\scratchcount}[1]{% \begin{mpost} n:=#1; height := 3/5\mpdim{\baselineskip} ; span := 1/3 * height ; drift := 1/10 * height ; pickup pencircle scaled (1/12 * height) ; def d = (uniformdeviate drift) enddef ; for i := 1 upto n : draw if (i mod 5)=0 : ((-d-4.5span,d)--(+d-0.5span,height-d)) else : ((-d,+d)--(+d,height-d)) fi shifted (span*i,d-drift) ; endfor; picture cp ; cp := currentpicture ; % for readability setbounds currentpicture to (llcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart llcorner cp) -- lrcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart lrcorner cp) -- urcorner cp -- ulcorner cp -- cycle) ; \end{mpost}} \makeatletter \newenvironment{scratchenum}{\begin{enumerate}% \@namedef{label\@enumctr}{\scratchcount{\arabic{\@enumctr}}}% }{\end{enumerate}} \makeatother \newcommand\VCEN[1]{$\vcenter{\hbox{#1}}$} \newcommand\lista[2][black]{% \VCEN{% \begin{mpost}[ %mpcommands={n:=#3;color fuzzy_color ; fuzzy_color:=#1 ;}, mpmem=metafun] n:=#2 ; color fuzzy_color ; fuzzy_color:=#1 ; height := 5pt ; span := 1/3 * height ; drift := 1/10 * height ; hsize := .7\mpdim{\linewidth} ; vstep := 10pt ; xmax := hsize div 5span ; pickup pencircle scaled (1/12 * height) ; def d = (uniformdeviate drift) enddef ; for i := 1 upto n : xpos := ((i-1) mod (5*xmax))*span ; ypos := ((i-1) div (5*xmax))*vstep ; draw if (i mod 5)=0 : ((-d-4.5span,d)--(+d-0.5span,height-d)) else : ((-d,+d)--(+d,height-d)) fi shifted (xpos,-ypos+d-drift) withcolor fuzzy_color ; endfor; picture cp ; cp := currentpicture ; % for readability if (ypart ulcorner cp - ypart llcorner cp) <= vstep : setbounds currentpicture to (llcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart llcorner cp) -- lrcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart lrcorner cp) -- urcorner cp -- ulcorner cp -- cycle) ; fi \end{mpost}}% } \newsavebox{\tacochapterbox} \newcommand{\tacochapterhead}[1]{% \sbox\tacochapterbox{\Large\bfseries #1}% {\ooalign{% \MPclipOne{\mpdim{\wd\tacochapterbox+6pc}} {\mpdim{\ht\tacochapterbox+3pc}} {8} {(.7,.7,.7)} {red} \cr \hfill\raisebox{\dimexpr.5\ht\tacochapterbox+1.5pc\relax} {\box\tacochapterbox}\hfill}}} \def\MPclipOne#1#2#3#4#5{\begin{mpost} w := #1; width := 100; wfactor := w/width; h := #2; height := 100; hfactor := h/height; color lightred; lightred := (.90,.50,.50); color lightgray; lightgray := (.95,.95,.95); color gray; gray := (.50,.50,.50); def random_delta (expr d) = d-(uniformdeviate 2d) enddef; z1 = (0,height); z2 = (0,0); z3 = (width,0); z4 = (width,height); z5 = (width+random_delta(.2width),height+random_delta(.2height)); z6 = (.5width+random_delta(.1width),height+random_delta(.1height)); pickup pencircle xscaled (#3/wfactor) yscaled (#3/(2*hfactor)) rotated 30; draw z5..z1..z2..z3..z4..z6 withcolor #4; pickup pencircle xscaled (#3/wfactor) yscaled (#3/hfactor); draw z1 withcolor #5; draw z2 withcolor #5; draw z3 withcolor #5; draw z4 withcolor #5; draw z5 withcolor #5; draw z6 withcolor #5; newwidth := (xpart (urcorner currentpicture)) - (xpart (llcorner currentpicture)); newheight := (ypart (urcorner currentpicture)) - (ypart (llcorner currentpicture)); currentpicture := currentpicture xscaled (w/newwidth) yscaled (h/newheight); \end{mpost}} \newcommand{\squares}[2][black]{% \begin{mpost} boolean timetofillbox; sfactor:=.95; path p,q; u:=\mpdim{#2\textwidth}/2; p := (u,u) -- (-u,u) -- (-u,-u) -- (u,-u) -- cycle; theta := 0; dtheta := .005; forever: theta := theta+dtheta; q := p scaled sfactor rotated theta; exitif ypart(point 0 of q) > u; endfor; fill p withrgbcolor #1; timetofillbox:=false; for i:=1 upto 51: p := p scaled sfactor rotated theta; if timetofillbox: fill p withrgbcolor #1; timetofillbox:=false; else: fill p withrgbcolor white-#1; timetofillbox:=true; fi endfor \end{mpost}} \urldef\messageurl\url {http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_frm/thread/516fb024bb83bcda} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{1} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{gmp.dtx} \PrintChanges \PrintIndex \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \CheckSum{698} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{v1.0}{2011/03/10}{Initial version} % % \GetFileInfo{gmp.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\!,\",\%,\',\:,\;,\=,\?} % \DoNotIndex{\@gobbletwo,\@ifundefined,\@makeother,\@nameuse,\@ne} % \DoNotIndex{\@onlypreamble,\@temp,\^,\`,\|,\~,\active,\advance,\@nil} % \DoNotIndex{\begin,\begingroup,\bgroup,\catcode,\chardef,\closeout} % \DoNotIndex{\color,\count@,\csname,\def,\define@key,\dimexpr,\@gobble} % \DoNotIndex{\do,\documentclass,\edef,\egroup,\else,\empty,\end,} % \DoNotIndex{\endcsname,\endgroup,\endinput,\expandafter,\fbox,\fi} % \DoNotIndex{\gdef,\global,\ifdefined,\IfFileExists,\ifnum,\ifx} % \DoNotIndex{\immediate,\jobname,\label,\lccode,\let,\long,\loop} % \DoNotIndex{\lowercase,\m@ne,\message,\MessageBreak,\newcounter} % \DoNotIndex{\newif,\newlinechar,\newtoks,\noexpand,\number} % \DoNotIndex{\PackageError,\PackageWarning,\PackageWarningNoLine} % \DoNotIndex{\par,\refstepcounter,\relax,\repeat,\RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\space,\string,\the,\toks@,\usepackage,\x,\xdef,\z@} % % % \title{The \textsf{gmp} package\thanks{This document % corresponds to \textsf{gmp}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} % \author{Enrico Gregorio \\ \texttt{enrico DOT gregorio AT univr DOT it}} % % \maketitle % % \begin{center} % \tacochapterhead{Introduction} % \end{center} % % Con\TeX{}t is far more superior to \LaTeX{} in its integration of % \MP{}. On the other hand, few people are going to do the big jump % towards Con\TeX{}t, especially if they have to use maths in their % documents. % % Nonetheless, sometimes a better integration between \LaTeX{} and % \MP{} would be welcome. One great package is \textsf{mfpic}, but % its philosophy is different: it defines a set of \TeX{} macros which % are afterwards interpreted as \MP{}. It suffers a bit from its % \MF{} origin: the user has to pass the dimensions of the created % figure in advance, while \MP{} is able to figure them out by itself. % % A very recent package does similar things as \textsf{gmp}, Vafa % Khalighi's \mbox{\textsf{mpgraphics}}, from which I learned to add % the \texttt{runs} and \texttt{clean} keys. However also Vafa's % package can't pass parameters to the \MP{} pictures at run time. % I~have to thank Vafa Khalighi because his \textsf{mpgraphics} % package helped me to straighten some roughness from the preliminary % version of this package. Another package is oriented to this % purpose, \textsf{emp} by Thorsten Ohl, but it has not been updated % since 1997. % % What I wanted was a package which could do \emph{automatically} the % compilation of \MP{} output and, moreover, could pass parameters to % \MP{}. Wouldn't it be nice being able to define a graphic object in % terms of the current text width? Or of the current baseline skip? % Or of some user defined parameter? A ``reusable'' object which can % change depending on current conditions? This package is an answer; % it runs under \LaTeX{}, \textsc{pdf}\LaTeX{} and % \XeLaTeX{}.\footnote{It runs even under Lua\LaTeX{}, I'd say, but in % this case it doesn't exploit the possibility of a direct call to the % \MP{} library.} % % This has some consequences; for example, \MP{} labels will usually go % inside %\begin{verbatim} %\btex ... etex %\end{verbatim} % instead of the normal \verb|btex ... etex|. Later examples will show % this is an enrichment, rather than a limitation. % % \begin{mpost}[name=swelled] % breadth=.667\mpdim{\linewidth}; % height=2pt; % x1=0; % x2=x6=.333x4;x5=x3=.667x4; % x4=breadth; % y1=y4=height/2; % y2=y3=height; % y5=y6=0; % fill z1--z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--cycle; % \end{mpost} % % Consider a swelled rule: we want its width to be two thirds of the % line width. But, of course, we should not simply scale it when the % line width changes. Here is an example; the swelled rule for the % current line width: % \begin{center} % \usempost{swelled} % \end{center} % We follow it with a scaled version corresponding to half line width % (on the left) and a true swelled rule constructed for a halved line % width: % \begin{center} % % \scalebox{.5}[1]{\usempost{swelled}}\qquad % \usempost[scale=.5]{swelled}\qquad % \begin{mpost} % breadth=.667\mpdim{\linewidth}/2; % height=2pt; % x1=0; % x2=x6=.333x4;x5=x3=.667x4; % x4=breadth; % y1=y4=height/2; % y2=y3=height; % y5=y6=0; % fill z1--z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--cycle; % \end{mpost} % \end{center} % % The difference is clear, but I must admit to have cheated: in this % case it would be sufficient to scale the swelled rule only in the % horizontal direction. However, scaling is not always the correct % answer, since it affects all rule widths and character sizes, for % example. You can see the input for the swelled rule in % Figure~\ref{swelled-code}, taken from~Peter~\cite{peter2005}. % % \begin{figure} % \centering % \bigskip % \usempost{swelled}\\*[3ex] % \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[name=swelled] %breadth=.667\mpdim{\linewidth}; %height=2pt; %x1=0; %x2=x6=.333x4;x5=x3=.667x4; %x4=breadth; %y1=y4=height/2; %y2=y3=height; %y5=y6=0; %fill z1--z2--z3--z4-- % z5--z6--cycle; %\end{mpost} %\end{verbatim} % \end{minipage}\\*[3ex] % \usempost{swelled} % % \bigskip % \caption{The code for the swelled rule}\label{swelled-code} % \end{figure} % % The command \cmdname{mpdim} takes as an argument a length (rigid or % rubber) and transforms it into a dimension understood by \MP{} % (i.e., it strips off possible `plus' and `minus' specifications). To % \MP{} eyes, it is an `unnamed variable' like `\texttt{whatever}', % except that it has the value of the dimension given as argument; see % the description in Section~\ref{commands} % % What I did was to define a \MP{} input for the swelled rule, to % assign it a name and to use it when needed. For example, the above % verbatim environment surrounded by swelled rules has been written as % in Figure~\ref{averb}. % % \begin{figure} % \centering\catcode`!=\active \def!{} % \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{center} %\usempost{swelled}\\*[3ex] %\begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} %\begin!{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[name=swelled] %breadth=.667\mpdim{\linewidth}; %... %\end{mpost} %\end!{verbatim} %\end{minipage}\\*[3ex] %\usempost{swelled} %\end{center} %\end{verbatim} % \end{minipage} % \caption{The input for the nice verbatim}\label{averb} % \end{figure} % % A recent message on \texttt{comp.text.tex}\footnote{\messageurl} % asked how to realize in \LaTeX{} chapter headers like the ones in % the manual ``Con\TeX{}t, an % excursion''\footnote{\texttt{http://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/mp-cb-en.pdf}} % and Taco Hoekwater kindly provided the code that's used. Here I % propose a macro that solves the problem, once it's integrated in a % chapter style for \textsf{memoir} or \textsf{titlesec}; the \MP{} % code is found in table~\ref{taco} and the result is shown here % \begin{center} % \bigskip % \tacochapterhead{How to draw graphics} % \bigskip % \end{center} % Now you can return to the first page and see that the title for the % introduction was typeset inside a similar drawing, but of different % size. The \MP{} code is exactly the same as Taco's, except for the % call of \texttt{mpost} instead of \cmdname{startMPgraphic} and % \cmdname{endMPgraphic}. The \LaTeX{} code used is %\begin{verbatim} %\newsavebox{\tacochapterbox} %\newcommand{\tacochapterhead}[1]{% % \sbox\tacochapterbox{\Large\bfseries #1}% % {\ooalign{% % \MPclipOne{\mpdim{\wd\tacochapterbox+6pc}} % width % {\mpdim{\ht\tacochapterbox+3pc}} % height % {8} % thickness of the curve % {(.7,.7,.7)} % color of the curve % {red} % color of the spots % \cr\hfill\raisebox{\dimexpr.5\ht\tacochapterbox+1.5pc\relax} % {\box\tacochapterbox}\hfill}}} % %\tacochapterhead{How to draw graphics} %\end{verbatim} % Use a high level package such as \textsf{titlesec} in order to draw % fancy ornaments around the chapter title; an example might be %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand{\chapformat}[1]{\tacochapterhead{\thechapter.\ #1}} %\titleformat{name=\chapter}[block] % {\large\bfseries\filcenter}{}{0pt}{\chapformat} %\titleformat{name=\chapter,numberless}[block] % {\large\bfseries\filcenter}{}{0pt}{\tacochapterhead} %\end{verbatim} % which takes care also of numberless chapter headings. % % \begin{table} % \caption{\MP{} code for a fancy chapter heading}\label{taco} %\begin{verbatim} %%macro arguments: %%#1 = desired width %%#2 = desired height %%#3 = pen thickness (relative) %%#4 = line color %%#5 = dot color %\def\MPclipOne#1#2#3#4#5% % {\begin{mpost} % w := #1; width := 100; wfactor := w/width; % h := #2; height := 100; hfactor := h/height; % color lightred; lightred := (.90,.50,.50); % color lightgray; lightgray := (.95,.95,.95); % color gray; gray := (.50,.50,.50); % def random_delta (expr d) = % d-(uniformdeviate 2d) % enddef; % z1 = (0,height); % z2 = (0,0); % z3 = (width,0); % z4 = (width,height); % z5 = (width+random_delta(.2width),height+random_delta(.2height)); % z6 = (.5width+random_delta(.1width),height+random_delta(.1height)); % pickup pencircle % xscaled (#3/wfactor) % yscaled (#3/(2*hfactor)) % rotated 30; % draw z5..z1..z2..z3..z4..z6 withcolor #4; % pickup pencircle % xscaled (#3/wfactor) % yscaled (#3/hfactor); % draw z1 withcolor #5; % draw z2 withcolor #5; % draw z3 withcolor #5; % draw z4 withcolor #5; % draw z5 withcolor #5; % draw z6 withcolor #5; % newwidth := (xpart (urcorner currentpicture)) - % (xpart (llcorner currentpicture)); % newheight := (ypart (urcorner currentpicture)) - % (ypart (llcorner currentpicture)); % currentpicture := currentpicture % xscaled (w/newwidth) yscaled (h/newheight); % \end{mpost}} %\end{verbatim} % \end{table} % % Another useless application comes from the Metafun manual, by Hans % Hagen~\cite{hagen-metafun}: a representation of a counter using % vertical bars with a diagonal one after four of them, just like when % counting on a piece of scratch paper. We can borrow the \MP{} input % from Hans, and define the command you find in table~\ref{scratch}. % % \begin{table} % \caption{The \texttt{\string\scratchcount} macro}\label{scratch} %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand{\scratchcount}[1]{% % \begin{mpost} % n:=#1; % height := 3/5\mpdim{\baselineskip} ; % span := 1/3 * height ; % drift := 1/10 * height ; % pickup pencircle scaled (1/12 * height) ; % def d = (uniformdeviate drift) enddef ; % for i := 1 upto n : % draw % if (i mod 5)=0 : ((-d-4.5span,d)--(+d-0.5span,height-d)) % else : ((-d,+d)--(+d,height-d)) fi % shifted (span*i,d-drift) ; % endfor; % picture cp ; % cp := currentpicture ; %for readability % setbounds currentpicture to % (llcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart llcorner cp) -- % lrcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart lrcorner cp) -- % urcorner cp -- ulcorner cp -- cycle) ; % \end{mpost}} %\makeatletter %\newenvironment{scratchenum}{\begin{enumerate} % \@namedef{label\@enumctr}{\scratchcount{\arabic{\@enumctr}}}% % }{\end{enumerate}} %\makeatother %\end{verbatim} % \end{table} % % Now we have a new environment and we can use it at every nesting % level: % \begin{enumerate} % \item A first item, to remember that \MP{} is a big fun, for the % following reasons: % \begin{scratchenum} % \item it has a syntax very similar to \MF; % \item it outputs very good PostScript; % \item there are many people using it; % \item it is very simple to use; % \item it integrates easily with \LaTeX; % \item some other reason just to arrive to six. % \end{scratchenum} % \item A second item, to remember that \LaTeX{} users can benefit from % the use of \MP{}. % \end{enumerate} % The input for this nested enumeration was %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{enumerate} % \item A first ... % \begin{scratchenum} % \item it has ... % ... % \end{scratchenum} % \item A second ... %\end{enumerate} %\end{verbatim} % % Of course, if we need to use the \texttt{scratchenum} only at the % first level of nesting, a definition such as %\begin{verbatim} %\newenvironment{scratchenum} % {\begin{enumerate} % \renewcommand{labelenumi}{\scratchcount{\arabic{enumi}}}% % } % {\end{enumerate}} %\end{verbatim} % would have sufficed. We give as argument to \cmdname{scratchcount} % the representation of the counter as an arabic number; \MP{} does % all the necessary calculations. % % \begin{figure} % \centering %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand\lista[2][black]{% %\VCEN{\begin{mpost}[mpmem=metafun] %n:=#2 ; color fuzzy_color ; fuzzy_color:=#1 ; % %height := 5pt ; %span := 1/3 * height ; %drift := 1/10 * height ; %hsize := .7\mpdim{\linewidth} ; %vstep := 10pt ; %xmax := hsize div 5span ; % %pickup pencircle scaled (1/12 * height) ; %def d = (uniformdeviate drift) enddef ; %for i := 1 upto n : % xpos := ((i-1) mod (5*xmax))*span ; % ypos := ((i-1) div (5*xmax))*vstep ; % draw % if (i mod 5)=0 : ((-d-4.5span,d)--(+d-0.5span,height-d)) % else : ((-d,+d)--(+d,height-d)) fi % shifted (xpos,-ypos+d-drift) withcolor fuzzy_color ; %endfor; % %picture cp ; %cp := currentpicture ; % for readability %if (ypart ulcorner cp - ypart llcorner cp) <= vstep : %setbounds currentpicture to % (llcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart llcorner cp) -- % lrcorner cp shifted (0,-ypart lrcorner cp) -- % urcorner cp -- ulcorner cp -- cycle) ; %fi %\end{mpost}}} %\end{verbatim} % \caption{Expanded definition for the scratch numbers; the % \protect\cmdname{VCEN} macro is for centering the object.}\label{expan} % \end{figure} % % We can expand on this theme, to represent greater numbers. You can % see it in Figure~\ref{expan}. After this, an input like %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{tabular}{llr} %\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{La lista}}\\\hline\\ %Italia & \lista[red]{640} & 640\\\\ %Alemagna & \lista{231} & 231\\\\ %Francia & \lista[red]{100}& 100\\\\ %Turchia & \lista{91}& 91\\\\ %Spagna & \lista[red]{1003} & 1003\\\\\hline %\end{tabular} %\end{verbatim} % gives what you can see in figure~\ref{lalista}, but if we put it % inside a \texttt{minipage}, we can render the same list in other % ways, automatically. You see it in Figure~\ref{liste}. % % \begin{figure} % \caption{La lista}\label{lalista} % \centering % \medskip % \begin{tabular}{llr} % Italia & \lista[red]{640} & 640\\\\ % Alemagna & \lista{231} & 231\\\\ % Francia & \lista[red]{100}& 100\\\\ % Turchia & \lista{91}& 91\\\\ % Spagna & \lista[red]{1003} & 1003\\ % \end{tabular} % % \medskip % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure} % \centering % \scalebox{.7}{% % \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{La lista}}\\\hline\\ % IT & \lista[red]{640}\\\\ % DE & \lista{231}\\\\ % FR & \lista[red]{100}\\\\ % TR & \lista{91}\\\\ % ES & \lista[red]{1003}\\\\\hline % \end{tabular} % \end{minipage} % \quad % \begin{minipage}{.4\linewidth} % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{La lista}}\\\hline\\ % IT & \lista[red]{640}\\\\ % DE & \lista{231}\\\\ % FR & \lista[red]{100}\\\\ % TR & \lista{91}\\\\ % ES & \lista[red]{1003}\\\\\hline % \end{tabular} % \end{minipage}} % \caption[]{The tables have been reduced at 70\%. On the right the % table has been put in a \texttt{minipage} % of size \texttt{.5\cmdname{linewidth}}; on the left the size was % \texttt{.4\cmdname{linewidth}}}\label{liste} % \end{figure} % % Note how we can pass to the \MP{} input some parameters, a % dimension as before, and a color specification. % % It is not necessary to put \texttt{mpost} environments inside a % definition, as we have already seen. We can assign a name to the % object and use it as many times as we like, even subject to % transformations with the same syntax as \cmdname{includegraphics}. The % following example is from the \MP{} package \textsf{drv}, which % requires a double run of \MP{}: %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[runs=2,mpsettings={input drv;},name=der1] %jgm 0 "A\vdash B"; %jgm 1 "B\vdash C"; %jgm 2 "A\vdash C"; %nfr 0 () ("f", 1); %nfr 1 () ("g", 1); %nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1); %draw drv_tree; %\end{mpost} %\usempost{der1}\quad %\usempost[angle=90]{der1} %\end{verbatim} % \begin{center} % \begin{mpost}[runs=2,mpxprogram=latex, % mpsettings={input drv;},name=der1,use] % jgm 0 "A\vdash B"; % jgm 1 "B\vdash C"; % jgm 2 "A\vdash C"; % nfr 0 () ("f", 1); % nfr 1 () ("g", 1); % nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1); % draw drv_tree; % \end{mpost}\quad % \usempost[angle=90]{der1} % \end{center} % % If a \MP{} object is not assigned a name it is immediately used and, % obviously, it cannot be used any more. Well, this is not strictly % true: every object has a number corresponding to an \textsc{mps} file % named \meta{filename}\texttt{+mp}\meta{number}\texttt{.mps} and it % would be possible to include it in the usual way. Here % \meta{filename} is the name of the root \LaTeX{} file. However, the % \meta{number} is not fixed, since insertion of other objects before a % certain one will change its assigned number. % % There are three ways for typesetting a document using \textsf{gmp}, % which correspond to the following package options: % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{shellescape}] exploits the `shell escape' feature % present in most \TeX{} distributions: every \texttt{mpost} environment % calls a run of \MP{}, setting the object immediately (you have to call % the typesetting engine with the necessary command line option, see % later); % % \item[\texttt{noshellescape}] defers the \MP{} runs to the end of % the \LaTeX{} run, the user has to launch them by hand---in this case a % very simple shell script is written for doing all the business; % % \item[\texttt{nowrite}] inhibits writing \MP{} files and disables % running \MP{}: when the document is finished and no more modifications % to the \MP{} objects are needed, we can set this option and read the % \textsc{mps} files already compiled in previous runs. % \end{description} % % The `shell escape' feature is very handy, but someone may feel uneasy % with it. For security reasons, \TeX{} distributions usually disable % it by default and it must be explicitly requested by calling % \begin{flushleft} % \texttt{latex -shell-escape} \meta{filename}\\ % \texttt{pdflatex -shell-escape} \meta{filename}\\ % \texttt{xelatex -shell-escape} \meta{filename} % \end{flushleft} % depending on what engine you are using; see your system's % documentation for the actual call: for \TeX~Live the command line % option \texttt{-shell-escape}, while for MiK\TeX{} it's % \texttt{-enable-write18}. % % In case some \MP{} graphics doesn't compile properly, it's better to % switch to \texttt{noshellescape} and launch the shell script after a % new \LaTeX{} run: from a terminal window say % \texttt{sh~\meta{filename}+mp.sh}, where \meta{filename} stands for % your main document's name. This will run \MP{} in `error stop mode', % so that you'll probably get a clue about what is going wrong. % % If one uses \XeLaTeX{}, all \textsc{mps} files will be converted to % \textsc{pdf} via \texttt{epstopdf}. % % % \section{The name of the package and its workings} % % I wanted a successor of \textsf{emp}, but \textsf{fmp} was out of the % question: this is a package for including functional \MP{} in % \LaTeX. So I chose \textsf{gmp}. % % Here is a brief description of how the package works. A \MP{} % object is defined through a \texttt{mpost} environment % (see~Section~\ref{envoptions}). When such an environment is found, % an external \MP{} file is written and processed (either immediately % or after the \LaTeX{} run, at the user's choice). After processing, % a file called \meta{filename}\texttt{+mp}\meta{number}\texttt{.mps} % is produced, which is then included in the \LaTeX{} output with % \cmdname{includegraphics}, but without user's intervention. If the % object is assigned a name, it can be included as many times as % desired. % % The \textsf{gmp} package depends on \textsf{xkeyval}, % \textsf{ifxetex}, \textsf{ifpdf} and, of course, % \textsf{graphicx}. If you have to pass options to this one, load it % before \textsf{gmp}. % % % \section{File names} % % This package \emph{doesn't} support file names containing % spaces. Quoting D.~E.~Knuth, if you're upset about this, you shouldn't % be: spaces in file names might be supported, but every system has its % idiosyncrasies and quotes around the name aren't always the correct % answer. Avoiding strange characters in file names is the best strategy % for being compatible with most platforms. % % % \section{To do} % % Find out a way to coerce creation of all auxiliary files in a % subdirectory of the current directory, in order not to fill it with % junk, besides what's really necessary. % % % \section{The package options}\label{options} % % We have seen some of the package options, but now I will present them % more formally. Some of them will be grouped together; the first one % of the group is the default. % % \subsection{\texttt{tex} and \texttt{latex}} % % \MP{} is able to use either Plain \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} for typesetting % the `labels'. If you are using ten point type and the usual Computer % Modern fonts or no label at all, it is not necessary to set this % option (the default is \texttt{tex}). On the other hand, if you are % using different fonts or different type sizes, then \texttt{latex} is % necessary. The package creates a crude preamble keeping the type size % of your document; insertion of any other package or of a different % class must be explicitly done with the commands \cmdname{usempxclass} % and \cmdname{usempxpackage} which have the same syntax as % \cmdname{documentclass} and \cmdname{usepackage}. See % Section~\ref{commands} for a description of the commands; their names % should remember that they are used for an `extension' of \MP{}, namely % the preprocessor that typesets the labels making them into \MP{} % pictures. However the option can be overridden for any picture, see % later on. % % \subsection{\texttt{noshellescape} and \texttt{shellescape}} % % The \texttt{shellescape} option uses the \verb|\write18| feature found % in many \TeX{} distributions (all the up-to-date ones based on % \textsf{Web2C} such as \TeX~Live, and MiK\TeX{}). Its purpose is to % stop momentarily the \TeX{} compilation for executing the \MP{} run % after a \texttt{mpost} environment has been found. \LaTeX{} or % \textsc{pdf}\LaTeX{} have to be called with the \texttt{-shell-escape} % command line option or \texttt{-enable-write18} on MiK\TeX. % % With \texttt{noshellescape} all shell commands are collected in a % batch file and \LaTeX{} will remember users to execute it at the end % of the run. On the subsequent \LaTeX{} run, all objects should be in % place. % % When a compiled \MP{} object is not found at the proper place, a box % like the one in the% % \marginpar[\hfill\csname gmp@box\endcsname]{\csname gmp@box\endcsname}% % margin is printed. The same will happen in presence of compilation % errors, precisely when the proper \textsc{mps} file is not found. % % When using the \texttt{noshellescape} option, it may happen that % after a compilation the objects are misplaced, for example if some % new object has been added; running \MP{} on the created files and % another \LaTeX{} run should fix this. The default option is % \texttt{noshellescape}. % % % \subsection{\texttt{write} and \texttt{nowrite}} % % The \texttt{nowrite} option is useful when all \MP{} objects are % present in the document, they are in their final form and all of % them have been processed. By setting the \texttt{nowrite} option, % no writing of \MP{} files and no compilation take place, speeding up % the process. I would have called this option \texttt{final} and its % contrary \texttt{draft}, but this usage conflicts with the workings % of \textsf{graphicx}. The default option is \texttt{write}, so it's % not necessary to specify it. % % % \subsection{\texttt{envname}} % % You can change the name of the environment for the \MP{} objects; % the default is \texttt{mpost}. If you don't like it or you want this % name for your favorite environment, you can say % \begin{flushleft} % \texttt{envname=}\meta{string} % \end{flushleft} % and \meta{string} will be used for introducing \MP{} objects. This % key must be specified only as a package option, not in the argument % of \cmdname{gmpoptions}.\footnote{Actually it can be in % \cmdname{gmpoptions}, but there it has no effect.} % % % \subsection{\texttt{extension}} % % If the root \LaTeX{} file is called \texttt{file}, then the compiled % \textsc{mps} files will be named % \texttt{file+mp}\meta{number}\texttt{.mps}. The string \texttt{+mp} is % the \emph{mp-extension}, which can be modified by saying % \begin{flushleft} % \texttt{extension=}\meta{string} % \end{flushleft} % in the options to \textsf{gmp}; the \meta{string} should consist only % of printable ASCII characters with no special meaning to \TeX{}. So, % with a main file called \texttt{paper.tex}, the created files will be % named \texttt{paper+mp0001.mp} and so on; with %\begin{verbatim} %\gmpoptions{extension=--mp--} %\end{verbatim} % the names will be \texttt{paper--mp--0001.mp} and so on. \emph{Don't % use a slash} in the mp-extension! Leave this option to the default % value, unless you happen to have files whose name contains the string % \texttt{+mp}. % % % \subsection{\texttt{everymp}} % % Here you can set whatever you want to be present in all \MP{} % objects, for example input files. Any set of \MP{} statements % can be given in braces, for example %\begin{verbatim} %everymp={input boxes;} %\end{verbatim} % Since these are \MP{} statements, don't forget the trailing % semicolon. If you have a long list of \MP{} macros that should be % loaded for each picture, it's better to save them in a file and input % this one with the \texttt{everymp} key. When your document uses font % packages, you may need to say %\begin{verbatim} %everymp={prologues=3;} %\end{verbatim} % so that your \textsc{mps} files will contain correct references to % the fonts; this is automatically done when the typesetting engine is % \XeLaTeX{}. % % \subsection{\texttt{clean=none\string|aux\string|mp}} % % After the compilation, there will be many auxiliary files around. The % essential ones are only those necessary for the picture inclusion, % namely the \textsc{mps} or \textsc{pdf} final results. With % \texttt{clean=none} nothing will be removed, with \texttt{clean=aux} % the files with extension \texttt{.log}, \texttt{.mpx} and % \texttt{.mpo} created during the \MP{} runs will be deleted. Also the % \texttt{.mp} files will be deleted with \texttt{clean=mp}; this option % will erase also the \texttt{.mps} files when \XeLaTeX{} is used. % % Some strange files will remain, particularly when there's some error % during one of the \MP{} runs; this is why I chose not to delete them. % It's best to use \texttt{clean=none}, which is the default, at the % beginning, changing to \texttt{clean=aux} when everything seems to be % alright and \texttt{clean=mp} for the last check before setting % \texttt{nowrite}. % % In case you are worried about what files will be deleted, run with the % \texttt{noshellescape} options and have a look at the shell script % that's created: it will show at its end the remove commands that will % be run. Or just don't set anything, so that \texttt{clean=none} will % be in force. % % % \subsection{\texttt{rmcommand}} % % The default command for cleaning the directory is \texttt{rm~-f}. Of % course this is system dependent and those on % Windows$^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{TM}}$ systems might want to set % \texttt{rmcommand=del}. % % \subsection{\texttt{postrmcommand}} % The value of the key \texttt{postrmcommand} is usually empty; you can % obtain a `safe removing' by setting something like %\begin{verbatim} %\gmpoptions{rmcommand=mv,postrmcommand=junk} %\end{verbatim} % This will be translated into commands such as %\begin{verbatim} %mv filename+mp*.log junk %\end{verbatim} % so if you have a subdirectory called \texttt{junk} all the auxiliary % files will be moved into it, instead of being deleted. % % % \section{Commands}\label{commands} % % % \subsection{\cmdname{gmpoptions}\marg{\meta{options}}} % % All package options can be given either as an optional argument to % \cmdname{usepackage} or as an argument to \cmdname{gmpoptions}. This % command can be given multiple times, with cumulative effect, but only % in the preamble. However the \texttt{envname} option has no effect % here. % % % \subsection{\cmdname{usempxclass}% % \oarg{\meta{options}}% % \marg{\meta{class}}} % % This has the same syntax as \cmdname{documentclass}. Its purpose is % to declare the class used for the runs of \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} for % preparing the \texttt{mpx} files which \MP{} needs to draw the text % labels. It should be not necessary to change it from the default % (which is \texttt{article}). But if you are using a non standard % class with a non standard type size (i.e., not 10, 11 or 12 point % size), then you \emph{will need} to declare a class, otherwise your % labels will be typeset in 10~point type. Of course this has no effect % for \MP{} objects where the \TeX{} format to be used is Plain~\TeX{}. % % % \subsection{\cmdname{usempxpackage}% % \oarg{\meta{options}}% % \marg{\meta{package\textup(s\textup)}}} % % Same syntax as \cmdname{usepackage}. It can be given multiple times % and its effects are cumulative. Thus, if your main text font is % Palatino, you have to give %\begin{verbatim} %\usepackage{palatino} %\usempxpackage{palatino} %\end{verbatim} % I chose not to modify the standard \cmdname{usepackage} command % because some packages make no sense inside \MP{} objects and it % would be useless and time consuming to load them. Just think to the % \textsf{pgf} package, for example: while a user may very well employ % this one alongside with \textsf{gmp}, it would be very questionable to % load \textsf{pgf} during a \LaTeX{} run to compile a \MP{} graphic % object, albeit not forbidden. % % If your labels in \MP{} pictures use special characters (the accented % ones, for instance), you \emph{must} load the \textsf{inputenc} package % \emph{with the same option} as your main file: %\begin{verbatim} %... %\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %... %\usepackage{gmp} %\gmpoptions{...} %\usempxpackage[latin1]{inputenc} %... %\end{verbatim} % You can use any encoding with (\textsc{pdf})\LaTeX{}; set the % \texttt{utf8} or \texttt{utf8x} option when your main document is % typeset with \XeLaTeX{}. % % Both \cmdname{usempxpackage} and \cmdname{usempxclass} respect the % usual scoping rules, so you can modify the class or the packages used % for a particular \MP{} object by enclosing the commands in a group, % for example in an environment such as \texttt{figure}. But no, not in % the \texttt{mpost} environment itself, sorry. % % % \subsection{\cmdname{resetmpxpackages}} % % This command resets to empty the list of packages to be loaded, % obeying to the normal scoping rules. % % % \subsection{\cmdname{mpxcommands}\marg{\meta{commands}}} % % With this command you can add \LaTeX{} commands to be executed for % every run of \MP{}, when typesetting labels; for instance, your % favorite definitions. Also the effect of this command is cumulative. % Pay attention that this works only if the program used for compiling % the \texttt{mpost} figures is \LaTeX{}. Like the commands for % choosing the class and the packages, this one obeys the scoping rules. % % \subsection{\cmdname{resetmpxcommands}} % % This command resets the list of commands to empty, obeying to the % normal scoping rules. % % % \subsection{\cmdname{mpdim}\marg{\meta{dimen parameter}}} % % This command takes as argument a length, i.e., a \LaTeX{} parameter or % a command defined by \cmdname{newlength} or operations on lengths. % Its output is the length in points; if the length is a rubber one, the % `plus' and `minus' parts are ignored. You can even use as argument an % explicit length such as `\texttt{2cm}', although this would be % overkill. However, you can give as argument some calculation with % \cmdname{dimexpr} syntax, such as %\begin{verbatim} %\mpdim{2ex+\baselineskip} %\mpdim{3em-1pt} %\end{verbatim} % which might be useful, because the \texttt{ex} and \texttt{em} units % change with the current font size. Don't add \cmdname{relax}, it's % automatically provided. % % \begin{annotation} % \TeX{}nical note. The command \cmdname{mpdim} works without making % assignments, so that it is fully expandable at the moment of the % \cmdname{write} to the \MP{} external file. It uses internally % \cmdname{the} and \cmdname{dimexpr}. When the \cmdname{write} takes % place, the command is expanded and the output is % \begin{flushleft} % \ttfamily % begingroup \meta{thedimen} endgroup % \end{flushleft} % where \meta{thedimen} is the value of the \meta{dimen} given as % argument. Therefore the construction % \cmdname{mpdim}\marg{\meta{dimen}} behaves like a number as far as % \MP{} is concerned; for Metapost, dimensions are simply numbers and % the units are just multipliers. % \end{annotation} % % % \subsection{\cmdname{usempost}} % % This command takes as its argument a string already assigned as a name % to a \MP{} object. Its effect is to place the graphic object where % the command appears. The complete syntax is % \begin{flushleft} % \cmdname{usempost}\oarg{\meta{options}}\marg{\meta{string}} % \end{flushleft} % where \meta{string} is the name of an already introduced and named % \MP{} object and \meta{options} are any options that make sense for % the \cmdname{includegraphics} command provided by the % \textsf{graphicx} package. % % % \section{Environments} % % The package provides two environments, whose default names are % \texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*}. The name, however, can be changed % in the package options, as we have already seen. In the descriptions % below I'll use the default name. % % Commands in the body of the \texttt{mpost} environment \emph{are} % interpreted and expanded and this is the main feature offered by this % package. % % The main difference between \texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*} is that % in the second one there is no expansion at all: every \MP{} statement % in the environment's body is written out as it is for subsequent % processing. Therefore \texttt{mpost*} behaves like \texttt{emp} or % \texttt{mpgraphics} of the respective packages, but the difference is % that it \emph{can} go in the argument to a command. This behavior % costs us something: \LaTeX{} environments in \MP{} labels \emph{must} % be enclosed in a pair of braces in the same \texttt{btex...etex} % construction. So don't say % \begin{flushleft}\color{red} %\begin{verbatim} %btex ... $\begin{array}{c}a\\b\end{array}$ ... etex %\end{verbatim} % \end{flushleft} % but rather %\begin{verbatim} %btex ... {$\begin{array}{c}a\\b\end{array}$} ... etex %\end{verbatim} % See later on for details. The same holds for the \texttt{mpost} % environment, with one more little catch, see page~\pageref{btex}. % % There is no |\inputmpost| command: if you really need it, just % define %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand{\inputmpost}[2][1]{\begin{mpost}[#1]input #2;\end{mpost}} %\end{verbatim} % The \MP{} file you input this way should contain just statements % that would go in a normal \texttt{mpost} environment. % % % \section{Options to the environments}\label{envoptions} % % Actually, the name of the two environments provided by this package % can be chosen by the user on a per document basis with the package % option \texttt{envname}. I will use the default name in the % description. The syntax is % \begin{flushleft} % \cmdname{begin}\marg{mpost}\oarg{\meta{options}}\\ % \meta{\MP{} statements}\\ % \cmdname{end}\marg{mpost}\\[3ex] % \verb|\begin{mpost*}[|\meta{options}\verb|]|\\ % \meta{\MP{} statements}\\ % \verb|\end{mpost*}| % \end{flushleft} % % The \meta{options} are in the form \meta{key}\texttt{=}\meta{value}. % They influence only the current environment and are the same for the % two varieties (\texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*}). % % % \subsection{\texttt{name}} % % With \texttt{name=}\meta{string} you assign the object a name for % subsequent multiple use with \cmdname{usempost}\marg{\meta{string}}. % For example, if the object is some symbol to be employed many times, % you can say %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[name=mysymbol] %... %\end{mpost} %\newcommand{\mynicesymbol}{% % \usempost[height=.7\ht\strutbox]{mysymbol}} %\end{verbatim} % In this case you cannot pass arguments to the \texttt{mpost} % environment: the object is \emph{frozen} apart from modifications with % the optional argument to \cmdname{usempost}. In this case the symbol % we have built with \MP{} will change size according to the current % font size, but only by scaling. % % The \meta{string} used as a name should consist only of ASCII % printable characters; no accented letters, please, just like for % \LaTeX{} labels (those for \cmdname{label}). If you specify this key, % then the object will not appear unless you specify also \texttt{use}, % see below. The proper place for named environments is usually the % preamble. % % \begin{annotation} % Suppose you have to write the symbol for a square wave in different % sizes; instead of using only one \textsc{mps} graphic file and scaling % it you may want to define a couple of them. Say, for instance, that % you need it also in section titles, which are typeset in % \cmdname{Large} size and bold face and that the symbol's height is the % same as a lowercase letter. You can get the two versions which are % automatically chosen among with the following code: %\begin{verbatim} %\makeatletter %\newcommand{\sqwave}{\usempost{sqwave\f@size\f@series}} %\newcommand{\sqwavebody}{% % u:=\mpdim{1ex}; % pickup pencircle scaled \mpdim{.05em}; % draw (0,0)--(2/3u,0)--(2/3u,u)--(u,u)--(u,0)--(5/3u,0);} %{\normalsize %\begin{mpost}[name=sqwave\f@size\f@series]\sqwavebody\end{mpost} %} %{\Large\bfseries %\begin{mpost}[name=sqwave\f@size\f@series]\sqwavebody\end{mpost} %} %\makeatother %\end{verbatim} % Then simply say \cmdname{sqwave} when you need the symbol. If you % change the type size of your document, you'll get the proper symbol's % height. If it turns out that you need the symbol also in other % contexts, just add other \texttt{mpost} named environments along the % same lines. % % We pass the \texttt{mpost} environment two dimensions that depends on % the context: the symbol's height will be the x-height of the current % font, the pen's width will scale according to the em size, which is % bigger for bold face fonts. The picture will be chosen according to % the current value of \cmdname{f@size} (the current type size) and % \cmdname{f@series}, which contains the font series indicator (`m' for % medium fonts and `bx' for bold face fonts, usually). The auxiliary % macro \cmdname{sqwavebody} contains the body of the \texttt{mpost} % environment, so there's even no need to copy it many times. % \end{annotation} % % % \subsection{\texttt{use}} % This is a boolean option, the default is \texttt{true} unless the % \texttt{name} option is present. When it is set to \texttt{true}, % the object is inserted in the place where the environment appears. In % order to set it to \texttt{true}, it is sufficient to say \texttt{use} % instead of \texttt{use=true}. % % \subsection{\texttt{mpmem}} % You can choose a different format for \MP{} compilation instead of % the default Plain. For example you can use Hans Hagen's Metafun % package by passing the option % \begin{flushleft} % \texttt{mpmem=metafun} % \end{flushleft} % % \subsection{\texttt{mpxprogram}} % % With this option, you can override the global option chosen when % \textsf{gmp} was loaded, or with \cmdname{gmpoptions}; with % \texttt{mpxprogram=tex} you invoke Plain \TeX{}, with % \texttt{mpxprogram=latex} you invoke \LaTeX{} with the preamble % defined by default or in the options to \textsf{gmp}. There are % presently no other choices. Use \texttt{mpxprogram=latex} (or set the % package option \texttt{latex}) whenever you have \MP{} labels. % % % \subsection{\texttt{mpxcommands}} % % You can pass some commands to be executed when compiling \MP{} with % \LaTeX{} with \texttt{mpxcommands=}\meta{commands}. For instance, you % can say %\begin{verbatim} %mpxcommands={\newcommand{\C}{\mathbf{C}}} %\end{verbatim} % if your labels contain a \cmdname{C} command for typesetting the set % of complex numbers in bold face type or some other useful commands. % You may also say %\begin{verbatim} %mpxcommands={\input{mymacros}} %\end{verbatim} % and put all needed definitions inside \texttt{mymacros.tex}. Remember % that inside \verb|\btex...etex| constructions (see % Section~\ref{body}), \MP{} does \emph{not} know any of your personal % commands, since the typesetting is made during a distinct run of % \LaTeX{}. The \LaTeX{} commands are not interpreted during the write % to the auxiliary file, they will be during \MP{} compilation. % % \subsection{\texttt{mpsettings}} % % The value for this key is a list of \MP{} statements to be executed % \emph{before} \texttt{beginfig}, usually for inputting \MP{} % packages. For example, if a \MP{} object is drawn with the % \textsf{boxes} package, then it is necessary to say %\begin{verbatim} %mpsettings={input boxes;} %\end{verbatim} % because this package must be loaded before saying \texttt{beginfig}. % Of course such a statement can be included also with the % \texttt{everymp} global key. Don't forget the trailing semicolon. % \LaTeX{} commands are interpreted just as in the \texttt{mpost} % environment, so it's possible to use, for example, \cmdname{mpdim}. % % \subsection{\texttt{runs}} % % The \textsf{drv} package for \MP{} requires each source file to be % run twice; in this case set the option \texttt{runs=2}. For this % specific package it's necessary to use also the \texttt{latex} % option and also, of course, \texttt{mpsettings={input drv;}} in % order to load the \MP{} package. The default value is~$1$. % % % \section{The body of the \texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*} % environments}\label{body} % % The body of the \texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*} environments % consists of \MP{} statements with the exception of % \texttt{beginfig(\meta{number});}, \texttt{endfig;} and % \texttt{end}\footnote{Actually, you \emph{can} put such statements; % but don't blame me if your computer starts choking or insulting % you.}. % % The \MP{} input that will be processed consists of % \begin{flushleft} % \meta{\TeX{} preamble}\\ % \meta{\MP{} preamble}\\ % \texttt{beginfig(\meta{number});}\\ % \meta{body of the environment}\\ % \texttt{endfig;end}\\ % \meta{\TeX{} postamble} % \end{flushleft} % The \meta{body of the environment} is precisely the contents of the % \texttt{mpost} environment you supply. The \meta{number} is assigned % automatically and is actually irrelevant. % % The \meta{\TeX{} preamble} is empty if the compiler for the % \texttt{mpx} files is \TeX{}; it is the \LaTeX{} preamble formed as % seen before in case the compiler is \LaTeX{}. In the latter case, the % \meta{\TeX{} postamble} is just %\begin{verbatim} %verbatimtex \end{document} etex %\end{verbatim} % otherwise it is empty (the \MP{} interpreter knows to add % \verb|\end| at the end of its produced \texttt{mpx} file, if % necessary). Of course the \meta{\TeX{} preamble} is complemented by % the declarations you supply with the previously described commands. % Similarly, the \meta{\MP{} preamble} is usually almost empty, but % you may add something with the methods described earlier; actually the % only statement always added to the preamble is %\begin{verbatim} %outputtemplate:= "%j.mps"; %\end{verbatim} % in order to give the resulting file a suitable name for automatic % inclusion in the \LaTeX{} document. Don't issue such a statement % yourself. % % In the \meta{body of the environment} you can put \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} % commands as usual for \MP{} code inside \texttt{btex \meta{\TeX{} % material} etex}; in a \texttt{mpost} environment, however, % \LaTeX{} commands may be embedded in the normal \MP{} statements, % we'll call them \emph{naked}. % % % \subsection{Naked \TeX{} commands in the body of % \texttt{mpost}} % % The \emph{naked} commands will be expanded in the normal way, it's up % to you to ensure that their expansion is valid \MP{} code. Don't % use dimension parameters by themselves: for example, the command % \cmdname{linewidth} is \emph{unexpandable}, so \MP{} will interpret % it as the variable \texttt{linewidth}, which probably would be % unknown. % % Suppose you want that your \MP{} graphic objects have a uniform aspect % throughout the document, but you haven't decided yet what will be the % final background color for a series of pictures. All you need is to % use something like %\begin{verbatim} %fill p withrgbcolor \backgroundcolor; %\end{verbatim} % and to give in the document's preamble a definition such as %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand*{\backgroundcolor}{(.124,.048,.129)} %\end{verbatim} % and your backgrounds will be the same in all the pictures. Of course % there are other methods to get this result: one might say also %\begin{verbatim} %\gmpoptions{everymp={rgbcolor mybgcolor; % mybgcolor:=(.124,.048,.129)}} %\end{verbatim} % or write a definition file to be read via \texttt{everymp}; but I % believe that the \emph{naked command} method is preferable from the % point of view of a \LaTeX{} user: it requires less maintenance and is % more direct. % % In order to pass length parameters to \MP{}, the \cmdname{mpdim} % command is useful. If you know that the parameter is a fixed length % (such as \cmdname{linewidth}), you can use also \cmdname{the} before % the name of the length parameter. Beware however that most parameters % in \LaTeX{} are defined through \cmdname{newlength} and so they are % \emph{rubber} length, possibly having `plus' or `minus' components % which would confuse \MP{}. Using \cmdname{mpdim} is safer. % Moreover, \cmdname{mpdim} accepts its argument in the usual braced % form. % % Pay attention that the expansion of \cmdname{mpdim} is not only the % length in points, but something more complicated. Don't use it % outside \texttt{mpost} environments. % % Any command whose expansion is just a string of characters can be used % naked in a \texttt{mpost} environment; \MP{} will see the string of % letters and it's under your responsibility that this string is % meaningful in the context it's found. For example, after %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand{\xxx}[1]{#1cm} %\end{verbatim} % has been given in the \LaTeX{} root file, \cmdname{xxx}\marg{2} can be % written in a \texttt{mpost} environment, where \MP{} expects a % numeric value; for instance, %\begin{verbatim} %a:=\xxx{2}; %\end{verbatim} % would set the variable `\texttt{a}' to the value `\texttt{56.6929}', % which are indeed two centimeters, since \MP{} works internally in % `big~points'. Pay attention that %\begin{verbatim} %a:=2\xxx{2}; %\end{verbatim} % would set the variable `\texttt{a}' to the value `\texttt{623.62192}' % which corresponds to 22~centimeters and not to `\texttt{113.3858}' % (i.e., 4~centimeters). The correct way to set `\texttt{a}' to % 4~centimeters would be \verb|a:=2*\xxx{2};|. % % % \subsection{Commands inside % \texttt{[verbatim\string|btex]...etex}}\label{btex} % % This is an important point where the \MP{} input in a % \texttt{mpost} environment deviates slightly from the normal % one. Suppose that you have to write a label inside \MP{} in the % form %\begin{verbatim} %btex \textit{label} etex %\end{verbatim} % because you want it in italics. We have a problem here, because the % command \cmdname{textit} passes through a \cmdname{write}, so that it % is expanded to something that is not what the \MP{} interpreter % likes to see; precisely, the expansion might be something like %\begin{verbatim} %\protect \relax \protect \edef n{it}\protect\xdef %\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 {\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 }\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 %\size@update \enc@update %\end{verbatim} % (all on one line). This will confuse the postprocessors that typeset % the labels (that currently are integrated into \MP{}), either if we % are using \LaTeX{} or, even worse, Plain \TeX{}. % % The solution is to write \cmdname{verbatimtex} and \cmdname{btex} % instead of \texttt{verbatimtex} and \texttt{btex}. The leading % backslash would be legal also in standard \MP{}, anyway. % Everything inside %\begin{verbatim} %\verbatimtex ... etex %\btex ... etex %\end{verbatim} % is passed as is to the compiler for producing the \texttt{mpx} files % needed by \MP{}. So the correct way to pass the label is %\begin{verbatim} %\btex \textit{label} etex %\end{verbatim} % when post-processing with \LaTeX{} and %\begin{verbatim} %\btex \it label etex %\end{verbatim} % when post-processing with Plain \TeX{}. Though using \texttt{btex} % without a backslash has its uses, remember that eight bit characters % \emph{must} go inside \verb|\btex...etex| or protected by % \cmdname{unexpanded} (unless you're using \XeLaTeX{}). So, never say % \begin{flushleft}\color{red} % \verb|btex Cuv�� 1982 etex| % \end{flushleft} % but choose among the following alternatives: %\begin{verbatim} %\btex Cuv�� 1982 etex %btex \unexpanded{Cuv��} 1982 etex %btex Cuv\unexpanded{��} 1982 etex %\end{verbatim} % % \begin{annotation} % \TeX{}nical note. When I started developing this package, the % choice to write verbatim the \MP{} input was ruled out almost % immediately, since I wanted to pass parameters from \LaTeX{} to % \MP{}. The verbatim method is used by \textsf{emp}, which makes % available only two parameters given as arguments to the \texttt{emp} % environment; for example |\begin{emp}(23,45)| puts at the user's % disposal the two \MP{} variables `\texttt{w}' and `\texttt{h}' with % values $23$~times and $45$~times the usual \LaTeX{} parameter % \cmdname{unitlength}. Passing to \MP{} the \cmdname{linewidth} is % pretty complicated, since it requires to divide the % \cmdname{linewidth} by the unit length. Moreover, only two % parameters are too few. % % Therefore I chose to write the \MP{} files expanding commands. This % works since \MP{} instructions have no backslashes in them and the % command \cmdname{mpdim} used for passing parameters from the current % document is especially tailored in order that its expansion is % accepted by \MP{}. With the obvious exception of things inside % \texttt{btex...etex}. The solution exploits the % \cmdname{unexpanded} command made available by the modern \TeX{} % engines. % % The construction \verb|\btex...etex| is equivalent to write %\begin{verbatim} %btex \unexpanded{...} etex %\end{verbatim} % and what is written to the \MP{} file is precisely %\begin{verbatim} %btex ... etex %\end{verbatim} % with no expansion of commands. % \end{annotation} % % There is another catch: for \TeX{}nical reasons, environments in % \verb|\btex...etex| parts cannot be used without protection. This % is because the \MP{} input is gathered as an argument delimited by % \cmdname{end}. The solution is to put the inner environments inside % braces. An example, taken from Hoenig~\cite[p.~416]{hoenig}, is % found in figure~\ref{hoenigsun}, where the input is just like % Hoenig's except for a minor correction (\texttt{3.5u} in the % original should be \texttt{4.5u}) and having put everything inside % \verb|\btex...etex| in braces (and writing \cmdname{btex} instead of % \texttt{btex}, of course). % % \begin{figure} % \caption{An example from Alan Hoenig's book}\label{hoenigsun} %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex,mpsettings={input boxes;}] %u:=1pc; path p[]; p0=(-6u,0) -- (6u,0); %p1=(0,-4u)--(0,4u); %p2=(0,-4.5u)--(0,4.5u); p2:=p2 rotated -45; %circleit mech(\btex %{\fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont %$\begin{array}{c} %\sigma_{ij,j}=0\\ %\sigma_{ij}=c_{ijk\ell}\epsilon_{k\ell}\\ %\epsilon_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}(u_{i,j}+u_{j,i}) %\end{array}$} %etex); %mech.dx=mech.dy; mech.c=origin; %pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw p0; draw p1; draw p2; draw p2 rotated 90; %pickup pencircle scaled u; unfilldraw bpath.mech; %pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; drawboxed(mech); %\end{mpost} %\end{verbatim} % % \centering % \begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex,mpsettings={input boxes;}] % u:=1pc; path p[]; p0=(-6u,0) -- (6u,0); % p1=(0,-4u)--(0,4u); % p2=(0,-4.5u)--(0,4.5u); p2:=p2 rotated -45; % circleit mech(\btex % \fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont % $\array{c} % \sigma_{ij,j}=0\\ % \sigma_{ij}=c_{ijk\ell}\epsilon_{k\ell}\\ % \epsilon_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}(u_{i,j}+u_{j,i}) % \endarray$ % etex); % mech.dx=mech.dy; mech.c=origin; % pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; % draw p0; draw p1; draw p2; draw p2 rotated 90; % pickup pencircle scaled u; unfilldraw bpath.mech; % pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; drawboxed(mech); % \end{mpost} % \end{figure} % % Another way to cope with this would be to write simply \cmdname{array} % instead of \cmdname{begin}\marg{array} and \cmdname{endarray} instead % of \cmdname{end}\marg{array}, which is how the \texttt{mpost} % environment for this example has actually been written. % % % \section{Definitions using the \texttt{mpost} environment} % % Some examples have already been presented, but it's best to % underline again that the environment can go inside the replacement % text of a definition; don't use \cmdname{mpost} and % \cmdname{endmpost}, though, just |\begin{mpost}| and % |\end{mpost}|. Commands defined this way are \emph{fragile}: don't % use them in moving arguments. As an example, we can use a variation % on a drawing from~\cite{hoenig}: %\begin{verbatim} %\newcommand{\squares}[2][black]{% % \begin{mpost} % boolean timetofillbox; % sfactor:=.95; % path p,q; u:=\mpdim{#2\textwidth}/2; % p := (u,u) -- (-u,u) -- (-u,-u) -- (u,-u) -- cycle; % theta := 0; dtheta := .005; % forever: % theta := theta+dtheta; % q := p scaled sfactor rotated theta; % exitif ypart(point 0 of q) > u; % endfor; % fill p withrgbcolor #1; timetofillbox:=false; % for i:=1 upto 51: % p := p scaled sfactor rotated theta; % if timetofillbox: % fill p withrgbcolor #1; timetofillbox:=false; % else: % fill p withrgbcolor white-#1; timetofillbox:=true; % fi % endfor % \end{mpost}} %\end{verbatim} % The optional argument is an \textsc{rgb} color, either with a % predefined name such as \texttt{black} (default) or a triple such as % \texttt{(.165,.325,.553)}; the second argument is the size of the % square, expressed as a fraction of \cmdname{textwidth}, for example % \texttt{0.8}. In figure~\ref{squares} you get three variations input % as %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} %\centering\offinterlineskip %\squares{.4}\squares[(.165,.325,.553)]{.4}\\ %\squares[(.835,.685,.447)]{.8} %\end{minipage} %\end{verbatim} % that also show how \textsf{gmp} uses the hi-res bounding box provided % by \MP{}. % % \begin{figure} % \medskip % \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} % \centering\offinterlineskip % \squares{.4}\squares[(.165,.325,.553)]{.4}\\ % \squares[(.835,.685,.447)]{.8} % \end{minipage} % \medskip % \caption{Squares taken from Hoenig's book}\label{squares} % \end{figure} % % % \section{The \texttt{mpost*} environment} % % No command in the body of the \texttt{mpost*} environment will be % interpreted in any special way, so don't use them except than % encapsulated into \texttt{btex...etex}. Here there's no need to write % \cmdname{btex}, but it doesn't hurt either. It's however necessary to % hide inside braces the \LaTeX{} command \cmdname{end} like for the % sibling environment \texttt{mpost}. It's possible to pass variables to % the picture from the \LaTeX{} context by exploiting the option % \texttt{mpsettings}: for example, with a prologue such as %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost*}[mpsettings{u:=\mpdim{\unitlength}}] %\end{verbatim} % you'll be able to use in the \MP{} code the variable $u$ which will be % set to the current \cmdname{unitlength} (don't say \texttt{save u;} in % the \MP{} code, of course). % % The \texttt{mpost*} environment \emph{can} go inside the argument % to a command. % % % \section{\XeLaTeX{} and \textsf{gmp}} % % The present package is compatible with \XeLaTeX{}; in this case it % performs also a conversion to \textsc{pdf} of the \textsc{mps} file % for inclusion. There are some limitations, though: it's impossible to % typeset labels to pictures with system fonts, as it would be in the % main document. Indeed \MP{} can't use \XeTeX{} for typesetting the % labels, only \LaTeX{}; this limitation is in \MP{}, we hope that in % the future it will be removed. If your main font is Linux Libertine, % for instance, you can typeset labels by saying %\begin{verbatim} %\usempxpackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usempxpackage{libertine} %\end{verbatim} % (possibly passing some option to the latter package). Many fonts that % you can use with \XeLaTeX{} can also be used in \LaTeX{}, of course % without access to the full character set. % % % \section{Examples} % % Let's try some weird input with foreign characters. %\begin{verbatim} %\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %... %\usempxpackage[latin1]{inputenc} %... %\begin{center} %\begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex] %label(\btex ��� etex, origin); %draw fullcircle xscaled 1.5cm yscaled 2\mpdim\baselineskip; %\end{mpost} %\end{center} %\end{verbatim} % \begin{center} % \usempxpackage[latin1]{inputenc} % \begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex] % label(\btex ��� etex, origin); % draw fullcircle xscaled 1.5cm yscaled 2\mpdim\baselineskip; % \end{mpost} % \end{center} % Always use the same option to \textsf{inputenc} as your main % file or, if you are working with \XeLaTeX{}, %\begin{verbatim} %\usempxpackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\end{verbatim} % in your document's preamble. Also \texttt{utf8x} is acceptable, of % course, in this case. % % Let's see instead a case where expansion in a \texttt{btex...etex} % construction is needed: we want to enclose numbers, colored in white, % inside an elliptical gray background. The vertical axis of the % ellipse should be as high as the baseline skip and it should be a % circle if the number has only one digit; the additional problem is % that the number can be given as the representation of some counter % (for example \texttt{enumi}, a possible application is evident). %\begin{verbatim} %\newcounter{mycount} %\newlength{\mylen} %\newcommand{\circleit}[2][]{\settowidth{\mylen}{#2}% % \begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex] % fill fullcircle % xscaled max(\mpdim{\mylen+6pt},\mpdim{\baselineskip}) % yscaled \mpdim{\baselineskip} % withcolor .4white; % draw thelabel(btex \unexpanded{#1}#2 etex, origin) % withcolor white; % \end{mpost}} % %\circleit{\themycount}\quad %\setcounter{mycount}{3}\circleit{\themycount}\quad %\setcounter{mycount}{12}\circleit{\themycount}\quad %\renewcommand{\themycount}{\roman{mycount}}% %\circleit{\themycount}\quad %\circleit{44}\quad %\renewcommand{\themycount}{\arabic{mycount}}% %\circleit[\sffamily]{\themycount} %\end{verbatim} % \begin{center} % \newcounter{mycount} % \newlength{\mylen} % \newcommand{\circleit}[2][]{\settowidth{\mylen}{#2}% % \begin{mpost}[mpxprogram=latex] % fill fullcircle % xscaled max(\mpdim{\mylen+6pt},\mpdim{\baselineskip}) % yscaled \mpdim{\baselineskip} % withcolor .4white; % draw thelabel(btex \unexpanded{#1}#2 etex, origin) % withcolor white; % \end{mpost}} % \circleit{\themycount}\quad % \setcounter{mycount}{3}\circleit{\themycount}\quad % \setcounter{mycount}{12}\circleit{\themycount}\quad % \renewcommand{\themycount}{\roman{mycount}}% % \circleit{\themycount}\quad % \circleit{44}\quad % \renewcommand{\themycount}{\arabic{mycount}}% % \circleit[\sffamily]{\themycount} % \end{center} % % In this case we \emph{want} that what is inside \texttt{btex...etex} % is expanded, in case it is \cmdname{themycount}. Of course we have to % be sure that the expansion of the command consists only of % characters. So, for example, %\begin{verbatim} %\renewcommand{\themycount}{\textsf{\arabic{mycount}}} %\end{verbatim} % would not work for the last example. This is the reason for having % defined an optional argument to \cmdname{circleit}. The trick of % using this argument in \cmdname{unexpanded} keeps every program happy % and the label is typeset correctly. More fun for the \TeX{}ackers! % % % \section{Conversion from \textsf{emp}} % % It's quite easy to convert old files that use \textsf{emp} without % changing too much; a typical \texttt{emp} environment is %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{emp}[xyz](15,30) %...; %\end{emp} %\end{verbatim} % where the dots stand for \MP{} statements and \texttt{xyz} is the name % for subsequent use. This may be transformed into %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[name=xyz,use] %w:=\mpdim{15\unitlength}; %h:=\mpdim{30\unitlength}; %...; %\end{mpost} %\end{verbatim} % An \texttt{empgraph} environment such as %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{empgraph}[xyz](15,30) %...; %\end{empgraph} %\end{verbatim} % must be transformed into %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost}[name=xyz,use](15,30) %w:=\mpdim{15\unitlength}; %h:=\mpdim{30\unitlength}; %draw begingraph(w,h); %...; %endgraph; %\end{mpost} %\end{verbatim} % Remember to change all \texttt{btex} into \texttt{\string\btex} and % the auxiliary commands into the similar ones of \textsf{gmp}: it % should be almost straightforward. If people ask for it, I might add a % compatibility layer for \textsf{emp}. % % Alternatively, the first case might be treated as %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{mpost*}[name=xyz, % mpsettings={w:=\mpdim{15\unitlength}; % h:=\mpdim{30\unitlength};}] %...; %\end{mpost*} %\end{verbatim} % You might prefer this strategy if you have many \texttt{btex...etex} % pairs. Look out for \cmdname{end} commands, though: if not properly % braced, they will confuse the processing of the environment's content. % % \StopEventually{ % \begin{thebibliography}{1} % % \bibitem{hagen-metafun}% % Hans Hagen, Metafun, % \url{http://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/metafun-p.pdf} % % \bibitem{hoenig}% % Alan Hoenig, \emph{\TeX{} unbound}, Oxford University Press, Oxford % and New York, 1998. % % \bibitem{peter2005}% % Steve Peter, ``\cmdname{starttext}, Swelled Rules and \MP{}'', The % Prac\TeX{} Journal, n.~4 (2005). % % \end{thebibliography} % } % % \section{Implementation} % % Before doing anything, we check that the engine knows about % |\unexpanded| and |\dimexpr|; otherwise we say good-bye. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{eTeXversion}{% \PackageError{gmp}{This package requires a e-TeX extensions} {The gmp package requires a modern TeX engine, please upgrade}% \endinput}{} % \end{macrocode} % We need \textsf{xkeyval} for its key-value interface. Then we define % some conditional for later usage and the package options. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xkeyval}[2005/01/30] \newif\ifgmp@latex % true if always using latex for mpx \newif\ifgmp@locallatex % true if using latex for mpx for a % single figure \newif\ifgmp@nogen % true if we are not generating the mps files \newif\ifgmp@nowrite % true if we are not writing the mp files \newif\ifgmp@warn % true if we are issuing the final message \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{tex}{\def\gmp@mpxprogram{tex}% \gmp@latexfalse\gmp@locallatexfalse} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{latex}{\def\gmp@mpxprogram{latex}% \gmp@latextrue\gmp@locallatextrue} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{noshellescape}{\gmp@nogentrue} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{shellescape}{\gmp@nogenfalse} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{nowrite}{\gmp@nowritetrue} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{write}{\gmp@nowritefalse} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{envname}{\def\gmp@envname{#1}} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{extension}{\def\gmp@ext{#1}} \def\gmp@preoptions{} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{everymp}{\edef\gmp@preoptions{\gmp@preoptions^^J#1}} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{clean}{\def\gmp@clean{#1}} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{rmcommand}{\def\gmp@remove{#1}} \DeclareOptionX<ggmp>{postrmcommand}{\def\gmp@postremove{#1}} \def\gmp@jobname{\jobname} % \end{macrocode} % Now we set the default options: the mpx program is \TeX{}; we write % out the auxiliary files and do not assume shell-escape; no cleaning % after compilation of the \MP{} files; default environment names are % \texttt{mpost} and \texttt{mpost*}; default mp-extension is % \texttt{+mp}. Then we read the package options. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptionsX<ggmp>{tex,noshellescape,write,clean=none} \ExecuteOptionsX<ggmp>{envname=mpost,extension=+mp, rmcommand=rm -f,postrmcommand={}} \ProcessOptionsX<ggmp>\relax % \end{macrocode} % We need some auxiliary packages, they'll probably be loaded anyway, % with the exception of \textsf{environ} that's employed for the % \texttt{mpost*} environment, but has no known incompatibility. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{ifpdf} \RequirePackage{ifxetex} \RequirePackage{environ} % \end{macrocode} % With \XeLaTeX{} we need to run epstopdf; we don't support % Lua\LaTeX{}, because looking at shell-escape is useless, at the % moment, even via Heiko Oberdiek's \textsf{pdftexcmds} (at least for % the time being). % \begin{macrocode} \ifxetex \let\gmp@shellescape\shellescape \def\gmp@preoptions{prologues:=3;^^J} \else \ifdefined\pdfshellescape % (pdf)latex \let\gmp@shellescape\pdfshellescape \else % lualatex \chardef\gmp@shellescape=\z@ \gmp@nogentrue \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % We define some warning messages; in some cases the message enables % or disables other messages. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@msgdisallowed{\PackageWarningNoLine{gmp}{Compilation and writing of MetaPost files has been\MessageBreak disallowed by the `nowrite' option}\gdef\gmp@nemessage{}} \def\gmp@msgnonexistent{\PackageWarning{gmp}{Non existent MetaPost file requested}\ifgmp@warn\else\global\gmp@warntrue\fi} \def\gmp@msgrequestx{\PackageWarningNoLine{gmp}{The MetaPost file you requested does not exist,\MessageBreak perhaps by a compilation error}} \def\gmp@msgremember{\PackageWarningNoLine{gmp}{Remember to run `sh \gmp@jobname\gmp@ext.sh' and rerun (pdf)LaTeX}} % \end{macrocode} % The following lines are to avoid spurious messages, opening and % writing of files if the user has not activated the shell escape % feature but has given the shell-escape option. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@msgensure{% \PackageWarningNoLine{gmp}{Ensure that you have enabled the shell escape feature, or\MessageBreak you can be in trouble. The available MetaPost generated\MessageBreak files will be used anyway. Use option `nowrite' if they\MessageBreak are already in final form}% \let\gmp@message\@gobble \let\gmp@writexviii\@gobble \def\gmp@openout##1##2\@nil{}% \let\gmp@write\@gobbletwo \let\gmp@closeout\@gobble} % \end{macrocode} % Now we define some abbreviations for primitive actions, so that we % are able to change their meaning at will. % \begin{macrocode} \let\gmp@message\message \def\gmp@writexviii{\immediate\write18 } \def\gmp@openout#1#2\@nil{\immediate\openout#1#2} \def\gmp@write{\immediate\write} \def\gmp@closeout{\immediate\closeout} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\gmp@command} % Here we define the main internal macro, |\gmp@command|, which has % different definitions depending on the package options. If the % \texttt{nowrite} option is valid, there's even no need for it; % otherwise it must behave differently: if we are doing immediate % compilation via shell-escape it must act by emitting % |\gmp@writexviii|, otherwise it must write the command in the batch % file to be run after the \LaTeX{} run. In the latter case we also % open an output stream and write a prologue on it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@setupmacros{% \ifgmp@nowrite \let\gmp@nemessage\gmp@msgdisallowed \else \ifgmp@nogen \let\gmp@nemessage\gmp@msgnonexistent \def\gmp@command{% mpost \ifx\gmp@mpmem\empty\else\space\gmp@mpmem\space\fi}% \newwrite\gmp@shellout \immediate\openout\gmp@shellout=\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext.sh% \immediate\write\gmp@shellout{\string##!/bin/sh}% \def\gmp@shellcommand##1{\immediate\write\gmp@shellout{##1}}% \AtEndDocument{\ifgmp@warn\gmp@msgremember\gmp@warnfalse\fi}% \else \let\gmp@nemessage\gmp@msgrequestx \ifnum\gmp@shellescape=\@ne \def\gmp@command{% mpost -interaction=nonstopmode % \ifx\gmp@mpmem\empty\else\space\gmp@mpmem\space\fi}% \def\gmp@shellcommand##1{% \gmp@message{^^J(gmp) Doing external command^^J(gmp) \string"}% \gmp@writexviii{echo ##1'\string"'}\gmp@writexviii{##1}% }% \else \gmp@msgensure\let\gmp@shellcommand\@gobble \fi \fi \fi } \gmp@setupmacros % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\gmpoptions} % Next we define |\gmpoptions| which can be used to set package % options in a more friendly way. However we disallow it outside the % preamble, because otherwise the status of the macros would not be % predictable. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmpoptions#1{\setkeys{ggmp}{#1}\gmp@setupmacros} \@onlypreamble\gmpoptions % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % We next define a standard \LaTeX{} preamble for mpx. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@latexpreamble{%^^J% \gmp@percent\string&latex^^J% \string\documentclass[1\@ptsize pt]{article}^^J% \ifx\empty\gmp@packages\else\the\gmp@packages^^J\fi% \ifx\empty\gmp@commands\else\the\gmp@commands^^J\fi% \string\begin{document}^^J} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\usempxclass}\begin{macro}{\usempxpackage} % If one wants a non standard \LaTeX{} class, the command % |\usempxclass|, with the same syntax as |\documentclass|, is % provided. Similarly for |\usempxpackage|; |\resetmpxpackages| clears % out the loading of packages. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\usempxclass[2][]{% \def\gmp@latexpreamble{^^J% \gmp@percent\string&latex^^J% \string\documentclass[#1]{#2}^^J% \ifx\empty\gmp@packages\else\the\gmp@packages^^J\fi% \ifx\empty\gmp@commands\else\the\gmp@commands^^J\fi% \string\begin{document}^^J}} \newtoks\gmp@packages \newcommand\usempxpackage[2][]{% \gmp@packages=\expandafter{\the\gmp@packages^^J% \usepackage[#1]{#2}}} \newcommand\resetmpxpackages{\gmp@packages={}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\mpxcommands} % With |\mpxcommands| one can insert definitions to be used for \MP{} % label composition: these are seen only if \LaTeX{} is used for % mpx. There's also |\resetmpxcommands| in case of need. % \begin{macrocode} \newtoks\gmp@commands \newcommand\mpxcommands[1]{% \gmp@commands=\expandafter{\the\gmp@commands^^J% #1}} \newcommand\resetmpxcommands{\gmp@commands={}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\mpdim} % The |\mpdim| macro is used in the \texttt{mpost} environment or in % the value of the key \texttt{mpsettings} for passing length % depending on current conditions. We exploit |\dimexpr| that strips % out possible `elastic' components and allows for doing % calculations. The result is written out surrounded by % \texttt{begingroup} and \texttt{endgroup} that make the number % obtained look like a variable at \MP's eyes. % \begin{macrocode} \def\mpdim#1{ begingroup \the\dimexpr#1\relax\space endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Now we start the hard task of writing out the auxiliary files. So we % define an output stream and a counter that keeps track of the figure % names; in order to know the total number of the pictures, at % end-of-document we define an internal label which is currently % unused, though. % \begin{macrocode} \newwrite\gmp@out \newcounter{gmp@count} \AtEndDocument{% \refstepcounter{gmp@count}% \label{gmp@finallabel}% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{environment}{mpost} % The \texttt{mpost} environment (but the name can be set at package % loading) must read the `local options' given as an optional argument % as the usual list of key-value statements. First of all it must step % the \MP{} figure counter and set a label for it for subsequent % calling of the graphics, then we grab the option given to the % environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{\gmp@envname}[1][] {\@bsphack \global\gmp@usefalse \refstepcounter{gmp@count}\label{gmp@label@\thegmp@count}% \bgroup \edef\gmp@number{\thegmp@count}% \gmp@grab{#1}} {\@esphack} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \begin{environment}{mpost*} % The \texttt{mpost*} environment writes out its contents without % \TeX{} macro expansion; we simply use \texttt{mpost}: so we gather % the optional argument into a scratch token register, collect the % body of the environment and pass it to the |\gmp@writeunex| macro % which calls |\begin{mpost}| (possibly with the name chosen by the % user), to which are passed the options. The first |\unexpanded| is % removed by |\edef|, the second one by the writing process. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@writeunex#1{\begingroup \edef\x{\endgroup\noexpand\begin{\gmp@envname}[\the\toks@]% \unexpanded{\unexpanded{#1}}\noexpand\end{\gmp@envname}}\x} \newenvironment{\gmp@envname*}[1][] {\toks@{#1}\Collect@Body\gmp@writeunex}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % Here we define the key-value interface for the options to the % environments, with some auxiliary macros and conditionals; % |\gmp@fourdigits| is used for the output file names, we think that % more than $9999$ pictures are difficult to be present for a single % file; but this will not limit at all the user's possibilities. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@fourdigits#1{% \ifnum#1<10 0\fi \ifnum#1<100 0\fi \ifnum#1<1000 0\fi\number #1} \def\gmp@not@a@name@{@not@a@name@} \def\gmp@choosetex{\gmp@locallatexfalse} \def\gmp@chooselatex{\gmp@locallatextrue} \def\gmp@doiflatex#1{\ifgmp@latex#1\else\ifgmp@locallatex#1\fi\fi} \def\gmp@mpmem{} \newif\ifgmp@use \define@key{gmp}{name}[@not@a@name@]{% \def\gmp@thisname{#1}% \expandafter\xdef\csname gmp@fig#1\endcsname {\gmp@fourdigits{\gmp@number}}} \define@key{gmp}{use}[true]{\global\csname gmp@use#1\endcsname} \define@key{gmp}{mpmem}{\def\gmp@mpmem{-mem #1}} \define@key{gmp}{mpsettings}{\edef\gmp@preoptions{\gmp@preoptions^^J#1}} \define@key{gmp}{mpxcommands}{% \gmp@commands=\expandafter{\the\gmp@commands^^J#1}} \define@key{gmp}{mpxprogram}{% \def\gmp@mpxprogram{#1}% \csname gmp@choose#1\endcsname} \define@key{gmp}{runs}{\chardef\gmp@runs=#1\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\gmp@grab} % The |\gmp@grab| macro sets the value of the keys; the \texttt{name} % must be initially empty and the number of runs should be~$1$. The % conditional |\if@gmpuse| is set to false at the beginning of the % environment, and to true when \texttt{use} is given or when there's % no name. Finally the macro calls |\gmp@innermpost|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@grab#1{% \setkeys{gmp}{name}% \setkeys{gmp}{runs=1}% \setkeys{gmp}{#1}% \ifx\gmp@thisname\gmp@not@a@name@ \global\gmp@usetrue \fi \gmp@setup\gmp@innermpost} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Before defining the macro responsible for the task of writing out % the \MP{} files, we do some housekeeping. % % We ensure that the character we need are written correctly in the % \MP{} files; so we define a `printing' percent sign and change the % category code of characters that might be made active by % \textsf{babel} or other packages. The semicolon is made active: it % will output a semicolon followed by a new line character; in the % environment |\par| means `go to a new line', so that empty lines in % a \texttt{mpost} environment will cause a new line in the output % file. However this doesn't work currently for \texttt{mpost} % environments given as arguments to other commands; since the normal % buffer size is around $50\,000$, this should not be a problem. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\@makeother\%\def\x{\endgroup\def\gmp@percent{%}}\x \def\gmp@activesc{\catcode`\;=\active \begingroup\lccode`\~=`\; \lowercase{\endgroup\edef~}{\string;^^J}} \def\gmp@otherchars{\do\!\do\=\do\:\do\"\do\?\do\'\do\`\do\|} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\gmp@setup} % The following macro |\gmp@setup| starts writing the output files, % after setting category codes and something else; it doesn't write % anything if the option \texttt{nowrite} is in force, otherwise % writes a prologue and all needed preliminaries, up to % \texttt{beginfig(}\meta{number}\texttt{)}; this number is actually % irrelevant, because we use \texttt{outputtemplate}, but it should % correspond to the number appearing in the name of the output file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\gmp@setup{% \let\do\@makeother\gmp@otherchars\newlinechar=`\^^J \gmp@activesc \def\par{^^J}% \ifgmp@nowrite\else \edef\@temp{\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\gmp@fourdigits{\gmp@number}.mp}% \expandafter\gmp@openout\expandafter\gmp@out\@temp\@nil \gmp@write\gmp@out{% \gmp@percent\gmp@percent\space Do not edit, this file has been generated^^J% \gmp@percent\gmp@percent\space automatically by \jobname.tex via gmp.sty^^J^^J% \gmp@doiflatex{verbatimtex\gmp@latexpreamble etex;^^J}% \ifx\empty\gmp@preoptions\else\gmp@preoptions^^J\fi% outputtemplate:= "\gmp@percent j.mps";^^J% beginfig(\gmp@number);%^^J% }% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\gmp@innermpost} % This is the central macro which collects the body of the % environment; we chose to use |\end| as delimiter so that the % environment can be used inside other arguments or definitions; maybe % it's not the best way to do this, but other than requiring % protection of |\end| commands inside the environment seems to have % no side effects. The environment's content is written out to the % \MP{} file, followed by \texttt{endfig;} and \texttt{end}; if % \LaTeX{} is used for the labels, also the closing statements are % added (though they are not strictly necessary). Then % |\gmp@shellcommand| is performed one or more times according to the % value of \texttt{runs}. It will run \MP{} stopping \LaTeX{} % momentarily or write the command to the shell script, according to % the current package options. In the case of \XeLaTeX{} it will also % call or write for a run of \textsf{epstopdf}. Finally, it executes % |\end{mpost}| and uses the object if it has been requested to do, % that is, if |\ifgmp@use| is true. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\gmp@innermpost#1\end#2{% \ifgmp@nowrite\else \gmp@write\gmp@out{% #1^^Jendfig;^^Jend.% \gmp@doiflatex{^^Jverbatimtex^^J\string\end{document}^^Jetex}}% \gmp@closeout\gmp@out \count@=\gmp@runs \loop\ifnum\count@>\z@ \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@command\space -tex=\gmp@mpxprogram\space\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext \gmp@fourdigits{\gmp@number}}% \advance\count@\m@ne \repeat \ifxetex \gmp@shellcommand{epstopdf --hires \gmp@jobname\gmp@ext \gmp@fourdigits{\gmp@number}.mps}% \fi \fi \egroup \end{#2}\ifgmp@use \gmp@usempost{\thegmp@count}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\usempost} % The macros for using the compiled pictures are almost straightforward: % the files will have extension \texttt{.mps} for \LaTeX{} or % \textsc{pdf}\LaTeX{} and \texttt{.pdf} for \XeLaTeX{}. We check that % they exist and load them or issue a warning. % \begin{macrocode} \ifxetex \def\gmp@usempost#1{% \edef\gmp@thempsfile{\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\gmp@fourdigits{#1}}% \IfFileExists{\gmp@thempsfile.pdf}% {\includegraphics{\gmp@thempsfile.pdf}}% {\gmp@nemessage\gmp@box}} \newcommand\usempost[2][]{% \IfFileExists{\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\csname gmp@fig#2\endcsname.pdf}% {\includegraphics[#1] {\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\csname gmp@fig#2\endcsname.pdf}}% {\gmp@nemessage\gmp@box}} \else \def\gmp@usempost#1{% \edef\gmp@thempsfile{\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\gmp@fourdigits{#1}}% \IfFileExists{\gmp@thempsfile.mps}% {\includegraphics[hiresbb]{\gmp@thempsfile.mps}}% {\gmp@nemessage\gmp@box}} \newcommand\usempost[2][]{% \IfFileExists{\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\csname gmp@fig#2\endcsname.mps}% {\includegraphics[hiresbb,#1] {\gmp@jobname\gmp@ext\csname gmp@fig#2\endcsname.mps}}% {\gmp@nemessage\gmp@box}} \fi \def\gmp@box{\fbox{\@ifundefined{color}{}{\color{red}}MP}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Now we clean up our directory from the auxiliary files, at the % user's request, of course. The \texttt{clean} keyword may be % specified in the package options or in |\gmpoptions| to have a value % among |none|, |aux|, or |mp|. % % At end document we look at the value of this key and do what's % desired by the user. If the value is not recognized we issue a % warning and act as if |clean=none| had been given; otherwise we % execute the requested command or write them in the batch script. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{% \@ifundefined{gmp@doclean@\gmp@clean} {\expandafter\gmp@badcleaning\expandafter{\gmp@clean}} {\@nameuse{gmp@doclean@\gmp@clean}}} \def\gmp@badcleaning#1{\PackageWarningNoLine{gmp}{% Wrong cleaning option `clean=#1'; `clean=none' used}} \def\gmp@doclean@none{} \def\gmp@doclean@aux{% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.log\space\gmp@postremove}% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mpx\space\gmp@postremove}% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mpo\space\gmp@postremove}% } \def\gmp@doclean@mp{% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.log\space\gmp@postremove}% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mpx\space\gmp@postremove}% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mpo\space\gmp@postremove}% \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mp\space\gmp@postremove}% \ifxetex \gmp@shellcommand{\gmp@remove\space \jobname\gmp@ext*.mps\space\gmp@postremove}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\verbatimtex}\begin{macro}{\btex} % Final definition for not expanding macros in the \MP{} labels. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\verbatimtex#1etex{verbatimtex \unexpanded{#1} etex} \long\def\btex#1etex{btex \unexpanded{#1} etex} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro} % \Finale \endinput % Local Variables: % mode: doctex % coding: latin-1 % End: