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% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)

  author      = {Thomas F. Sturm},
  title       = {Some Principles of Web Mercator Maps and their Computation},
  type        = {Monograph},
  institution = {Universit\"{a}t der Bundeswehr M\"{u}nchen},
  date        = {2020-03-05},
  language    = {english},
  location    = {Neubiberg},
  pagetotal   = {44},
  doi         = {10.18726/2020_3},

  author   = {Till Tantau},
  date     = {2023-01-15},
  title    = {The TikZ and PGF Packages},
  subtitle = {Manual for version 3.1.10},
  url      = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf},

  author = {{The \LaTeX3 Project}},
  date   = {2024-05-27},
  title  = {The \LaTeX3 Interfaces},

  author = {Joseph Wright},
  date   = {2024-06-24},
  title  = {siunitx -- A comprehensive (SI) units package},
  url    = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/siunitx/siunitx.pdf},

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