%% This LabTeX, v 0.9 % written by: Alan Hoenig, summer 1991-summer 1992. % Bitnet: ajhjj@cunyvm % Mail: 17 Bay Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743, USA % % This is file LABTEX.MF. You will also need the file LABTEX.TEX, as % well as TeX, Metafont, and their support programs. % % Here's how to use the Metafont part of the labtex macros. % % You will create a font source file with each character being a figure % that you want. Before the `mode_setup;' command, enter the line % input labtex; % so Metafont will know the meaning of the macros you'll be using. % % In the course of creating your figure, you will define the points % which serve as the anchors for the labels. After all these have been % defined, and before the `endchar;' command, enter % labtex(point list); % where is the list of points. If you'd like, use % `beginfig' and `endfig' as synonyms for `beginchar' and `endchar'. % % When Metafont creates your font, create the packed pixel file, move % the pk file and the tfm file to the usual place on your hard disk, % and prepare to create your TeX source file. See the comments in % labtex.tex to see what to do next. % numeric chars[]; vardef lab@#=(x_@#, y_@#) enddef; def clearx_y_=save x_, y_ enddef; def char_init(expr c)= % clearx_y_; i:=c; chars[i]=1; enddef; extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"char_init(charcode)"; numeric running_label_amt; running_label_amt=0; numeric xx_[], yy_[]; % to store the kerns for ligtable numeric lpf[]; % to store labels per fig def char_fin= i:=0; forever: exitif not known x_[i]; i:=i+1; endfor %for j=0 upto i-1: show "X",x_[j], "Y",y_[j]; endfor label_amt:=i; for i:=0 upto label_amt-1: xx_[running_label_amt +i]=x_[i]; yy_[running_label_amt +i]=y_[i]; endfor lpf[charcode]=label_amt; running_label_amt:=running_label_amt+label_amt; enddef; extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"char_fin;"; % fpf=figures per font def fillfont= % to define all chars not yet defined % and to create ligtable show "Now filling font. Patience, please."; % if not known last_char: last_char:=127; fi last_char:=255; for i=0 upto last_char: % need MF2! % show i, chars[i]; if not known chars[i]: beginchar(i,0,0,0); endchar; else: fpf:=i; % last known figure % if not known fpf: fpf=i; fi fi endfor % ligtable machinations only done if at least one label in at least % one fig. if known lpf[1]: doligtable; fi enddef; def doligtable= ligtable 255: 0 kern xx_0/hppp for i=1 upto running_label_amt-1: , i kern xx_[i]/hppp endfor; ligtable 254: 0 kern yy_0/hppp for i=1 upto running_label_amt-1: , i kern yy_[i]/hppp endfor; ligtable 253: 0 kern lpf0 for i=1 upto fpf: , i kern lpf[i] endfor; enddef; vardef labtex(text t)= % t is a list of pair names save I; I=0; % I is a counter for $=t: lab[I]=$ transformed currenttransform; I:=I+1; endfor enddef; let beginfig=beginchar; let endfig=endchar; inner end, bye; let savedend=end; let savedbye=bye; boolean filledfont; filledfont=false; def end= if not filledfont: filledfont:=true; fillfont; fi savedend; enddef; let bye=end; outer end, bye; endinput;